Journal Entry If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go? Explain why you would choose that place and what you would hope to see or do in that place.
Essential Question: What are the types and elements of expository writing? Standard: ELA7R1 For informational text, the student reads and comprehends in order to develop understanding and expertise and produces evidence of reading that: a. Analyzes common textual features to obtain information (e.g., paragraphs, topic sentences, concluding sentences, introduction, conclusion, footnotes, index, bibliography). b. Identifies and uses knowledge of common graphic features to draw conclusions and make judgments (e.g., graphic organizers, diagrams, captions, illustrations). c. Applies knowledge of common organizational structures and patterns (e.g., logical order, cause and effect relationships, comparison and contrast, transitions, overlays).
Pretty = Prewriting Dolly = Drafting Requested = Revising Precious = Proofreading Puppies = Publishing
What is expository writing? Expository writing is a written explanation of a subject that may be (about a real-take-a-photo-of-it) subject. (about an idea) OR
What is the author’s purpose in expository writing? The author’s purpose is to (ID Every Piece of Info) Inform, Describe, Explain, Present Information.
What are some examples of expository writings?
More Expository Writing
Concrete What is each example abstract or concrete? On the structure of U.S. Government Abstract Abstract On diabetes or Asthma
More Expository Writing Abstract Abstract & Concrete
Remember: Your expository writing exhibits your knowledge of a subject. That knowledge may be familiar to you already or it may require research. It will be fact-based, not opinion-based. You will not used first and second-person pronouns. Focus you attention on the topic, not yourself or the reader. Expository Writing
What are ideas? Ideas make up the content of the writing. When the ideas are strong, the overall message is clear. For writing to arrive at good content, we must Select an idea(topic) Narrow the idea (focus) Elaborate on the idea (development) Support the idea with details (discover the best information to convey the main idea)
Explanations of a subject can be presented in a variety of methods: Explain a step-by-step process Compare and/or contrast Explain with examples Divide and classify Identify a cause and effect relationship(causal analysis)
Explain a step-by-step process How to do the Cupid Slide A Recipe for Shrimp Gumbo This method requires sequential order in the details.
These methods employ an order of importance; the two options are to arrange the information from most-to- least important (news reporting style) or least-to-most important (dramatic buildup). Compare and/or contrast Explain with examples National Holidays President’s Day Labor Day Memorial Day 4 th of July Divide and classify
The method of causal analysis involves one of two options: 1.identify a cause and predict its effect 2.present the effect and identify its cause
Show Me, Don’t Just Tell Me The fair was fun! The roller coaster was scary. The dance on Friday was crunk. My friends are nice. I hate long bus rides. I stayed up too late last night. Thanksgiving is this Thursday.
Show Me, Don’t Just Tell Me Telling Statements: The fair was fun! The roller coaster was scary. The dance on Friday was crunk. Thanksgiving is this Thursday. Showing Statement: Oh my goodness the newest and scariest roller coaster ever! I pulled the seat belt over me and buckled myself up first. It started out as deliberate as a turtle. It got a little bit faster. Ahhhh it’s really fast.
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