1450-1750 Why 1450? Ottomans Conquer Constantinople Why 1750? First Wave of Exploration Concluded Beginnings of Industrialization
1450-1750 Themes Theme 1: Rise of Gunpowder Empires
Theme 2: Internal Changes Russia Westernized Japan Isolates
Globalization leads to New World Economy Theme 3: Globalization leads to New World Economy
3 Economic Zones Core Societies Europe, Ottoman and Mughal (Muslim Empires) -Produce Manufactured Goods -Import Raw Materials -Dominate shipping
3 Economic Zones B. Periphery Societies -Americas, West Africa -Export raw materials -Import manufactured goods -Locations where Slavery is practiced
-Japan, sometimes China and Russia 3 Economic Zones C. External Societies -Japan, sometimes China and Russia -Self isolate from trade Networks (Japan, sometimes China) -Some examples of slavery (Russian Serfdom)
Age of Exploration Europe takes to the Seas
Why do European Nations HAVE to take to the Seas Current routes blocked by Muslims—Ottomans capture Constantinople Balance of Trade Problems -Europe buys more goods than it sells-has to find gold to buy goods
Why were European Nations ABLE to take to the seas? 1. Emergence of Monarchs Provide money/support
Why were European Nations ABLE to take to the seas? 2. Improved Technology Compass (China) Astrolabe (Muslims) The Caravel (Muslims)
Why were European Nations ABLE to take to the seas? 3. Renaissance -Individual spirit -World/Secular outlook
Why was Europe ABLE to Explore? 4. Geography of the Explorer Nations -Portugal, Spain, France, Britain -Atlantic Facing
Identify that Motivation: Why did European nations/Explorers WANT TO TAKE TO THE SEAS Identify that Motivation: Glory for Individual Explorers
Identify that Motivation European Motivations for Exploration Identify that Motivation Precious Metals-Gold and Silver
Identify that Motivation European Motivations for Exploration Identify that Motivation Demand for rare goods and natural resources
Identify that Motivation European Motivations for Exploration Identify that Motivation God- Spread Christianity
Identify that Motivation European Motivations for Exploration Identify that Motivation Spain England Portugal Political and Economic competition among European powers
European Motivations for exploration To answer why Europeans took to the seas? Factor that created most passion for exploration