Colonial Period 1600-1750 Puritans and Planters
Social/Political Climate Early settlers not searching for wealth Wanted to establish new society and church with available resources and freedom of worship Religious law = civil law; laws est. according to biblical law Bible is model for life and society Religion permeates all aspects of life Status in society → position in church Seriousness, simplicity, hard work important Community judged as whole → brother’s keeper Close-knit towns
Social/Political (cont.) Brought books from England Blame Puritans for school—needed literate population so ministry and church could flourish 1647 Mass. Bay Colony required school 1636 Harvard U. opened—ministry
Social/Political (cont.) Plymouth and Boston—two ‘cities’ Persecuted→ religious freedom God’s chosen people Visible saints Example to world→ city on hill Model society
Social/Political (cont.) Wilderness encouraged reliance on individual and community; no one else to help New world offered improvement, bright future Abundance led to waste Witchcraft trials led to decline in strength of church over the state
Religion sovereignty of God, all powerful; influences every event in Man’s life original sin; driven by nature to do evil deeds the elect are chosen for salvation to escape eternal damnation Predestination→ God grants eternal life to chosen few cannot earn grace through good works; must pray and hope; Grace is achieved through God’s work on soul→ spiritual self examination
Religion (cont.) Sloth is deadly sin = idle hands….. Wealth is sign of election and grace If you challenge community = opposing God Dark side Bible is vital for salvation
Characteristic of Literature To teach, NOT entertain Poetry→ spirit. enlighten. Message important Writing = works of piety and religious instruction Plain, simple, rational expression Imagery, similes, metaphor → detract from purpose; mainly used when taken from bible
Char. of Literature (cont.) audience = simple, plain people like farmers and More info = better style Homey examples and expression that appealed to readers’ experience and understanding Drama slow to develop; seen as “chapel of Satan,” corrupts playgoers
Literature and Works Anne Bradstreet To My Dear and Loving… Edward Taylor Huswifery Richard Mather Bay Psalm Book Jonathan Edwards Sinners in the Hands…
Southern Planters
Social/Political/Religious Less religious Less rigorous climate, easier farming Relatively easy life Relaxed Less introspective Less critical of each other Lack of common purpose, beliefs of Puritans Gentleman = manners important, public service important Plantation society Settlements spread out, few neighbors Plantation is center of commerce Many slaves
Characteristics of Literature Writing seldom used for teaching Mostly journals, chronicles, letters Drama performed privately, sometimes challenged as immoral Practical writings
Writers and Works William Byrd History of the Dividing Line John Smith The General History of VA
Influence on today Puritan beliefs—work ethic, hard work leads to success—shaped Amer. society and culture America as model for rest of world How to live, important values to live by still in work of Amer. writers
Influence on Today “spirit of place” → wonder and diversity of land Concern with land—Frost, Steinbeck Concern with religion—Hawthorne to Hemingway
Relationship to Amer. Dream Hard work Frugality Self-improvement Self-reliance ?
Changes that led to next period Liberal Protestants arrived and attracted followers Great Awakening Established societies had less harsh environment Discontent against conformity
Next Period Revolutionary Period