Exotic narrow resonance searches in the K s 0 system in p+propane interactions at 10 GeV/c Petros Aslanyan 1,2,† (1) Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. (2) Yerevan State University. † Introduction. Method. Method. ( K s 0 ) - spectrum analysis. Conclusion. Workshop on Hadron Structure at J-PARC November 30 – December 2, 2005, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan. High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
c.f. (1405): uudsu or uds e.g. uuddc, uussd What are penta-quarks? Minimum quark content is 5 quarks. “Exotic” penta-quarks are those where the antiquark has a different flavor than the other 4 quarks Quantum numbers cannot be defined by 3 quarks alone. Example: uudds Baryon number = 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 – 1/3 = 1 Strangeness = = 1 Meson ( q q ) Baryon ( q q q )
[1] D. Diakonov, V. Petrov, and M. Polyakov (Z. Phys. A 359,305, 1997 ) and [2] V.Guzey and M.Polyakov(arXiv hep-ph/ ,2005) predicted and studied antidecuplet baryons by using the chiral soliton (Skyrme) models. The lightest member of the pentaquarks antidecuplet has positive strangeness, the mass of M=1530 MeV/c 2. Exotic: S= +1Exotic: S= +1 Results from a wide range of experiments are consistent with the existence of an exotic S=+1 resonance, the +(1540) with a narrow width and a mass near 1540 MeV. Results from this experiment: M = (1540 8) M + = (1540 8) MeV/c 2, 1.8) + =(9.2 1.8) MeV/c 2. PDG-04: 0.3) + =(9.2 0.3) MeV/c 2. Multi-quark states, glueballs and hybrids have been searched for experimentally for a very long time, but none is established.
Evidence for Penta-Quark States Spring8 ELSA JLab-p HERMES ITEP pp + +. COSY-TOF DIANA SVD/IHEP JLab-d ZEUS CERN/NA49 H1 Nomad this experiment this experiment
Negative Results
Ξ -- (1862) Also evidence for Ξ 0 (1862) ( I = 3/2 ) ( I = 3/2 ) NA49 pp collision at E cm =17.2GeV
S.Kabana from STAR collaboration observed a narrow peak at 1734 ± 0.5 ± 5 MeV (hep-ex/ ) width consistent with the experimental resolution of about 6 MeV within the errors and only a weak indication of a narrow peak at 1693 ± 0.5 MeV in the K S invariant mass. The statistical significance can be quantified between 3 and 6 depending on cuts and methods. If this peak corresponds to a real particle state it would be a candidate for the N 0 or the * I=1/2 pentaquark states. Studies (Polyakov M.) which have claimed to see this state have given widely varying estimates of its mass and width (from 1680 MeV to 1740 MeV for the mass). Jaffe and Wilczek predicted a mass around 1750MeV and a width 50% larger for these states than that of the Θ+. Exotic: S= 0Exotic: S= 0 Low mass: 1710 MeV Narrow width: < 40 MeV Jp=1/2+[1]
A reliable identification of the above mentioned resonance needs to use 4 -detectors and high precision measurements of the sought objects. The bubble chamber is the most suitable instrument for this purpose. The experimental information of more than stereo photographs are used to select the events with V 0 strange particles at collisions protons of a 10 GeV/c momentum with propan nuclei. The GEOFIT based on the Grind-CERN program is used to measure the kinematics parameter of tracks momenta(P), tg ( - depth angle) and azimuthal angle( ) in the photographs. The relative error of measuring momentum p and the average track length L of charged particles are found to be P/P=2.1%, =12 cm for stopping particles and P/P =9.8 %, = 36 cm for non stopping particles. The mean values of measurement errors for the depth and azimuthal angles are equal to tg = ± and = ± (rad.). The estimation of ionization, the peculiarities of the end track points of the stopping particles(protons, K ) allowed one to identify them. Protons can be identified over the following momentum range: P GeV/c. 2. Experiment
The events with V 0 ( and K s 0 ) were identified by using the following criteria : 1) V 0 stars from the photographs were selected according to - +p, K s 0 - + or e + +e - hypothesis. A momentum limit of K s 0 and is greater than 0.1 and 0.2 GeV/c, respectively ; 2) V 0 stars should have the effective mass of or of K s 0 ; 3) these V 0 stars are directed to some vertices (complanarity); 4) they should have one vertex, a three constraint fit for the M K or M hypothesis and after the fit, 2 should be selected over range less than 12; 5) The analysis has shown[21] that the events with undivided K s 0 were assumed to be (Fig.). [21] E.N.Kladnitskaya, K.J.Jovchev, P JINR,1986. Identification and K 0 s Distributions of (Armenteros parameter) and cos * - are used for correctly identification of the undivided V 0 s. = (P + - P - )/(P + + P - ). Where P + and P - are the parallel components of momenta positive and negative charged tracks. cos * - is the angular distribution of - from V 0 decay in rest frame V 0. Distributions of and cos * - were isotropic in the rest frame of K s 0 when undivided K s 0 were assumed to be . Identification and K 0 s
Figures (a,c) and (b,d) show the effective mass distribution of 8657-events with , 4122-events with K s 0 particles and their 2 from kinematic fits, respectively. The expected functional form for 2 is depicted with the dotted histogram. The measured masses of these events have the following Gaussian distribution parameters M K = 497.7± 3.6, s.d.= 23.9 MeV/c 2 and M = ± 0.6, s.d.=10.0 MeV/c 2. The masses of the observed , K s 0 are consistent with their PDG values. The preliminary estimate of the experimental total cross sections is equal to 3.8 ± 0.6 mb for K s 0 production in the p+C collisions at 10 GeV/c.
Each V 0 event weighted by a factor w geom (=1/e ), where e is the probability for potentially observing the V 0, it can be expressed as:e = e (-Lmin/L) - e (-Lmax/L), where L(=cp /M) is the flight length of the V 0, L max the path length from the reaction point to the boundary of fiducial volume, and L min (0.5 cm) an observable minimum distance between the reaction point and the V 0 vertex. M, , and p are the mass, lifetime, and momentum of the V 0. The average geometrical weights were 1.34 0.02 for and 1.22 0.03 for K 0 s. The effective mass resolution of the K s 0 system, like that of the - +p system, has been measured with a precision of ( M Ks ) /M Ks =(1.0 0.1)%(Fig.). The estimation of experimental inclusive cross sections for and K s 0 production in the p+C collision is equal to =1 3.3 1.7 mb and Ks0 = 3.8 0.6 mb, respectively.
Figure compares the momentum, cos in the c.m. nucleon-nucleon system, transverse momentum(p t ) and longitudinal rapidity distributions of and K 0 s for experimental events (solid line) and those simulated by the FRITIOF model (broken line)in p+C interactions. From Fig. one can see that the experiment is satisfactorily described by the FRITIOF model.
( K s0 ) - spectrum analysis. The total experimental background has been obtained by three methods. In the first method, the experimental effective mass distribution was approximated by the polynomial function after cutting out the resonance ranges because this procedure has to provide the fit with 2=1 and polynomial coefficient with errors less than 10 %. The second of the randomly mixing method of the angle between K 0 s and for experimental events is described in V.L.Lyuboshits at al., JINR Rapid Comm., N6(74),p209, Then, these background events were analyzed by using the same experimental condition and the effective mass distribution was fitted by the polynomial function. The analysis done by two methods has shown that while fitting these distributions had the same coefficients( with 10 % errors) and order of polynomial. The third background method has been obtained by using FRITIOF model with experimental canditions (FRITIOF, H. Pi, Comput. Phys.Commun. 71,173, 1992). Hereinafter, the K s 0 effective mass distribution for 1012 combinations is shown on Figure (next slide). The solid curve is the sum of the background by the first method and 2 Breit-Wigner resonance in Figure. The values for the mean position of the peak and the width obtained by using Breit Wigner fits. The statistical significance for the fit on Fig. inside a mass window is calculated as NP /(NB) 1/2, where NB is the number of counts in the background fit under the peak and NP is the number of counts in the peak.
There are significant enhancements in mass regions of 1750 and 1795 MeV/c2 (Fig.). Their excess above background by the first method is 5.8 and 3.3 S.D., respectively. There are small enhancements in the mass regions of ( ),( ) and ( ) MeV/c 2. This bin size of 18 MeV/c 2 is agreed with the experimental resolution. a
This analysis of background by FRITIOF shows too that the simulated events could not imitate peaks with mass of 1750 and 1795 MeV/c 2. Hereinafter, analyses of effective mass distributions have obtained similarly when using a Breit Wigner distribution and different bin sizes.
There are significant enhancements in mass regions of (1750 17), (1795 21) and (1835 20)MeV/c2 with bin size 10 MeV/c2 (Fig.). Their excess above background by the first method is 4.0, 2.7, 3.0 S.D.. There is small enhancement in mass region of 1935 MeV/c2.
We show a lot of statistical deviations except only over the range of 1750 MeV/c 2 on Figure because there are not a enough statistics in bins of 6.5 MeV/c 2 size. There is the significant peak in the mass region of (1750 16) MeV/c 2. Their excess above background by the first method is 4.5 S.D..
There is the significant peak in the mass region of (1742 14) MeV/c2 with bin size 21 MeV/c 2 (Fig.). Their excess above background by the first method is equal to 5.0 S.D.. Figure shows insignificant deviations in mass regions of 1670, 1795, 1855 and 1935 MeV/c 2 because this bin size is done larger than experimental resolution.
The figure shows the invariant mass distributions of ( K0s ) with bin size 11 MeV/c 2. There are enhancements in the mass regions 1670, 1750, 1795 and 1850MeV/c 2. Their excess above background by the first method is 2.9, 4.7, 2.3 and 2.4 S.D..
Conclusion A number of peculiarities were found in the effective mass spectrum of system K s 0 in ranges of:(( ),( ), ( ), ( ) and ( ) МэВ/с 2 in collisions of protons with propane nuclei at momentum 10 GeV/c. There are significant enhancements in the mass spectrum with bin size 18 МэВ/с 2 only in regions of 1750 and 1795 МэВ/с 2 (Table 1). The prelimary total cross section for N 0 (1750) production in p+C 3 H 8 interactions is estimated to be 30 b. The N 0 can be from the antidecuplet, from an octet (D. Diakonov, V. Petrov, hep-ph/ , V.Guzey and M.Polyakov, arXiv hep-ph/ ,2005) or an 27- plet(J. Ellis et al, JHEP 0405:002, 2004, hep-ph/ ). On the other hand, Jaffe and Wilczek predicted a mass around 1750MeV and a width 50% larger for these states than that of the Θ+(Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (2003) ). Resonance decay mode M M (MeV/c 2 ) Experimental Width e The maximal statistical significance 0 s 1750 6 14 0 s 1795 Table 1. The maximal statistical significance, the full experimental width( e ) and the effective mass of resonances in collisions of protons with propane at 10 GeV/c.
These peaks are possible candidates for two pentaquark states: the N 0 with quark content udsds decaying into K 0 and the 0 quark content udssd decaying into ( K 0 ), which are agreed: with the calculated rotational spectra N 0 and 0 spectra for antidecuplet from theoretical report of D. Akers, arXiv.org:hep-ex/ , 2004 (below Table); ) and with + spectra from the experimental reports of Yu.A.Troyan et.al.,JINR, D , Dubna,2004 and P. Aslanyan JINR, E ,2004 (next slide ).
Preliminary proposal The study of the structure of elementary particles and atomic nucleus at J-PARK. Exotic multi-quark hadrons with B=0,1,2,3 and S=+1,0,-1,-2 strangeness will be to search in systems from K s 0 and particles for protron-nucleus interactions at beam momenta of 4-50 GeV/c. A statistical significance of identified resonances would be to improve. As a test would be to use the experimental data fron 2 m propane bubble chamber. Experimental regularities for K s 0, , and strange particles productions and theirs exotic decays will study in protron-nucleus interactions at beam momenta of 4-50 GeV/c. For instance will be to study ratios of multiplicities for these strange particles on the in central ranges as a probe for searching QGP. Experimental regularities for K s 0, , and strange particles productions and theirs exotic decays will study in protron-nucleus interactions at beam momenta of 4-50 GeV/c. For instance will be to study ratios of multiplicities for these strange particles on the + multiplicity in central ranges as a probe for searching QGP.