Basic Graphing Using Excel Sweet Tea Sugar Detection
Create Your Data Table in Excel
Note: Column I is the Sum of Columns D, E, F, and G
How to Make a Pie Chart Taste Rankings at a Single Sugar Concentration (200mM)
Using the Insert Tab, Choose Pie Chart
On the Chart Tools Design Tab, Choose “Select Data”
Click the icon to the right of “Chart Data Range”
Highlight the Data Range, then reclick the icon to the right
Under “Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels, Click on “Edit”
Select labels for data, then click “OK”
Under Chart Tools Layout Tab, Select “Chart Title > Above Chart”
Give the Chart a Title
Choose Different Chart Designs Using the Chart Tools Design Tab (some will convert values to % of total)
A Beautiful Graph of Your Data!
How to Make a Line Graph The Dependence of Sugar Detection (Dependent Variable) on the Sugar Concentration (Independent Variable)
Using the Insert Tab, Choose 2-D Line Graph
On the Chart Tools Design Tab, Choose “Select Data”
Click the icon to the right of “Chart Data Range”
Highlight the Data Range, then reclick the icon to the right
Under “Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels, Click on “Edit”
Select labels for data, then click “OK”
Under Chart Tools Layout Tab, Select “Chart Title > Above Chart”
Give the Chart a Title
Label the Axes Using the Chart Tools Layout Tab
A Beautiful Graph of Your Data!
How to Make a Bar Graph Taste Rankings at a Single Sugar Concentration (200mM)
Using the Insert Tab, Choose 2-D Column Graph
On the Chart Tools Design Tab, Choose “Select Data”
Click the icon to the right of “Chart Data Range”
Highlight the Data Range, then reclick the icon to the right
Under “Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels, Click on “Edit”
Select labels for data, then click “OK”
Under Chart Tools Layout Tab, Select “Chart Title > Above Chart”
Give the Chart a Title
Label the Axes Using the Chart Tools Layout Tab
A Beautiful Graph of Your Data!
How to Make a Stacked Bar Graph Taste Rankings at a Single Sugar Concentration (200mM)
Using the Insert Tab, Choose 2-D Stacked Column Graph
On the Chart Tools Design Tab, Choose “Select Data”
Click the icon to the right of “Chart Data Range”
Highlight the Data Range, then reclick the icon to the right
Under “Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels, Click on “Edit”
Select labels for data, then click “OK”
Change Each Legend Entries (Series) by Highlighting “Series 1” and then Clicking “Edit”
Choose Corresponding Label, then Click “OK”
Repeat with Each Series Label
Under Chart Tools Layout Tab, Select “Chart Title > Above Chart”
Give the Chart a Title
Label the Axes Using the Chart Tools Layout Tab
A Beautiful Graph of Your Data!
Data for Reference Taste Ranking (4 = very sweet) Sample #Molarity01234# Subjects# Yes# No