First People lived more than TWO million years ago PREHISTORY: time before WRITING was invented Prehistoric times – also known as: OLD STONE AGE or PALEOLITHIC AGE People were known as NOMADS {people who moved from place to place hunting/gathering food}
Made TOOLS & WEAPONS {sticks/spears from stone, bone, wood} Developed LANGUAGE {able to communicate} Used FIRE {cooking, warmth, protection} Made CLOTHING {using animal skins}
Early man lived in EAST AFRICA {present day Ethiopia/Tanzania} Man migrated north to Europe and east to Asia Eventually separate cultures developed – as cultures came in contact with one another CULTURAL DIFFUSION developed
In prehistoric times, bands of humans that lived near one another began to develop shared ways of doing things: common ways of dressing, Similar hunting practices Favorite animals to eat. These shared traits were the first beginnings of what anthropologists and historians call culture. Culture is the way of life of a group of people. Culture includes common practices of a society, its shared understandings, and its social organization. By overcoming individual differences, culture helps to unify the group.
Exchange of IDEAS, CUSTOMS, and GOODS among various cultures 3 ways cultural diffusion occurs: 1. MIGRATION 2. TRADE 3. WAR
Began about 10,000 years ago Environmental changes brought WARMER WEATHER Transition from a lifestyle of hunting and gathering to one of agriculture and settlement Two Major Changes: 1. FARMING – learned to grow land 2. DOMESTICATION of ANIMALS
People no longer had to wander for food – led to: A. Permanent Settlements – people sheltered together in villages B. New Social Classes –divisions in power C. New Technology –new tools, wheel, plow, metal
Also known as the NEW STONE AGE Considered one of the greatest turning points in history – changed the way people lived – from food gathering to food producing – this change is also known as the AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION
As people began to settle in one place – growth of villages led to cities and then rise of civilizations Civilization Characteristics: 1. ADVANCED CITIES – centers of trade for large area 2. SPECIALIZED WORKERS –skills for certain work { example : traders, priests, soldiers, gov’t officials} 3. COMPLEX INSTITUTIONS – long-lasting patterns of organization {gov’t system of ruling, religion, economics, education} 4. RECORD KEEPING – organized and accurate 5. ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY –new tools/techniques
3300 B.C. Sumerians 1.Dug irrigation ditches 2. Built City Walls 3. Traded
Pyramid shaped monument “mountain of god” Conducted rituals temple, sacrifices offerings to Gods
POLYTHEISTIC Over 3000 Gods example: ENLIL God of storms/air Wanted Gods protection in life
Long narrative poem celebrating deeds of heroes
1. Priests/Kings 2. Wealthy Merchants 3. Workers 4. Slaves Women- more rights than later civilizations – hold property, pursue work, join priesthood, not allowed to attend schools – upper class could read & write
WHEEL,SAIL,PLOWW RITING, BRONZE WORKS,NUMBER SYSTEM (60) Arithmetic 1.build city walls 2.plan irrigation systems 3.survey flooded fields
Babylonian King B.C. Single code of laws 282 specific laws written in stone different punishments for rich/poor
River – NILE King Menes – united Upper/Lower established first dynasty Egyptian God-Kings =Pharaohs Theocracy – type of govt rule is based on religious authority
Tombs for Kings largest at Giza 481 ft high 13 acres long *showed economic strength, Technology, organized govt
POLYTHEISTIC more than 2000 gods Ex: RE – sun god OSIRIS – god of the dead ISIS – goddess ideal mother & wife
Embalming/drying corpse to prevent decay, believed soul returns later Buried with possessions
1. King/Queen/Royal Family 2. Upper class – wealthy landowners,gov’t officials, priests 3. Middle Class – merchants,artisans 4. Lower Class – farmers,peasants Women – many of same rights,own/trade property,divorce
Hieroglyphics – pictures=ideas Rosetta Stone – used to decipher writing surface - PAPYRUS
Calendar Geometry Cosmetics Heart/pulse rate Splints Surgery Treatment -fevers
River – INDUS Climate – monsoons seasonal winds; cycle of wet/dry seasons Writing – not known have yet to decipher
Planned cities – precise grid system Citadel- protection, temple, major buildings
Private bathroom/toilet (brick w/wood seat) Pipes connected carried wastewater to underground sewer system
Language impossible to decipher 400 symbols found on stamps/seals Social Divisions not great Artifacts – clay/wooden toys, few weapons Animals important part of culture Religion- link to Hinduism Traded with Mesopotamians
Shifts Tectonic Plates – earthquakes, Floods altered river T rade-impossible Agriculture – soil overused prevented large harvests
River – Huang He (Yellow River) Isolation – natural geographic barriers ex: Pacific Ocean, Himalaya Mts, Gobi Desert, Plateau of Tibet – cut off China from other civilizations
Chinese – others “Barbarians” Center of the world – “MIDDLE KINGDOM”
Family central to society Respect for parents, elders, men Men controlled property Women had to obey fathers/husbands arranged marriages
POLYTHEISTIC Spirits of ancestors had power Gods were consulted through the use of “oracle bones” which predicted the future
Very complicated 10,000 characters hard to learn – time consuming – usually only the rich had time to memorize Benefit – unified system throughout China
Right to rule came from GODS “Mandate of Heaven” Dynastic Cycle 1 st Dynasty – Shang 2 nd Dynasty - Zhou
Roads/Canals Coined Money Silk Tools – sickles, knives, spades Blast furnaces –cast iron