Top 10 Phase 1 DLE Positive Outcomes at Riverside School Board of Education Welcome April 23, 2015 Special thanks to our Technology committee
NUMBER 10 Improved fluency through access to digital books. Riverside students have read tens of thousands of books on Raz Kids, as well as e-books accessed through Destiny Online and through TrueFlix. Over 20,000 RAZ Kids Online books read (just from 11/14-4/15) - over 2300 hours of reading! Over 1000 e-books read through Destiny Online (4/14-4/15) - compared to 500 the year before. Print books checked out remained ~17,000 (similar to last year).
Number 9 Increased competence with computation and problem solving through personalized practice. Over 600,000 practice problems completed on IXL Math and through the use of the Thinking Blocks app so far this year (up from 450,000 the previous year). Total Math Skills practiced this year (up from 1200 the previous year).
Number 8 High level of student engagement and expression through use of iMovie, Educreations, Touchcast and Garageband. Hundreds of multimedia creations this year.
Number 7 We see daily examples of teachers learning from students. “My students are constantly teaching me new things about TouchCast, iMovie and uploading documents to Schoology.” “They helped me research a key topic online and share the information through Educreations.” “They showed me how to use keyboard shortcuts to add bullet points on Google Slides and also how to take photos when creating iMovie trailers.” “They showed me how to take pictures and put them on Notability to do practice problems in math.”
Number 6 Hours of professional development through the Ed Camp model. Some topics - Modeling Quality Feedback - student to student Flipping the classroom - delivery of video tutorials Using Educreations for a non-fiction writing unit Assessing students with the NearPod App Teachers teaching other teachers. Tech Thursdays - learning together in a supporting community Common planning time to integrate tech tools into the curriculum ISD Data Team members recently visited classrooms to learn about DLE 1:1 Implementation to help prepare for phase 3 of the DLE.
Number 5 More than 250 students successfully tested on iPads for Smarter Balanced Assessment in each of and school years.
Number 4 Feedback and self regulation of learning through multiple attempts at assignments or quizzes. More than 1,900 graded assignments or quizzes added by Riverside teachers to Schoology courses in the last 90 days.
Number 3 Discussion More than 500 threaded discussions added through Schoology in the last 90 days.
Number 2 Increased access to quality online research tools. Thousands of hits on our GPS Virtual Library, which houses high quality, reliable databases and other resources.
And … Number 1 The opportunity to share all of the lessons learned, milestones reached and successes with the greater GPS community!
In their own words... We asked students how school has changed for them since the start of the DLE. These are a few responses.