Association of PhD candidates and young researchers of Serbia Slobodan Radičev Restructuring of Doctoral Studies in Serbia - RODOS TEMPUS RS-TEMPUS-SMGR
Doktoranti Srbije Association PhD students and young researchers of Serbia (Doktoranti Srbije) was founded in 2008, Legally established in Representing all PhDs and early stage researchers in Serbia Has its seat at University of Novi Sad Member of EURODOC ERA and EHEA in which doctoral candidates and junior researchers are duly recognized and respected for the essential roles they play.
Activities in Serbia Quality of doctoral studies in Serbia (Questionnaire) Financing of doctoral studies in Serbia Health and social welfare for doctoral candidates and young researchers Brain drain European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers Region and international cooperation
International activities Open Access The Voice of Researchers, EURAXESS Global Round Table, Doctoral Training in SEE ERA WG Innovative Doctoral Training ERA-SGHRM WG on Professional Development of Researchers Involvement in international projects
Main challenges PhD survey about doctoral studies in Serbia (PhD students voice) Sample / Main challenges Quality of supervision Finance International mobility
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