Inclusive education in Serbia
Monitoring of inclusive education in Serbia Role of Civil Society
Find the differences The education we want Quality Just Efficient Child oriented Supportive Flexible curricula and learning materials Cooperation of students, parents, teachers, schools, communities and professionals Provides an opportunity for all All children can and have the right to learn They learn to learn They learn about each other and about themselves Motivated and committed teachers Without prejudices Inclusive Education Quality Just Efficient Child oriented Supportive Flexible curricula and learning materials Cooperation of students, parents, teachers, schools, communities and professionals Provides an opportunity for all All children can and have the right to learn They learn to learn They learn about each other and about themselves Motivated and committed teachers Without prejudices
current practice in the implementation of inclusive education; current challenges and problems confronted by educational institutions and other relevant stakeholders; existing facilities and lacking capacities and resources for the adequate implementation of inclusive education.
Key legislation and by-laws Law on preschool education Law on elementary schools Draft law on elementary education Law on textbooks and teaching aids Law on high schools Draft law on higher education The law on the fundamentals of the education system Regulation on additional educational, health and social support to children and students Regulation on detailed guidelines for the determination of Individual Education Plan, its implementation and evaluation Regulation on assessment in primary education Regulation on training program for teaching assistants
RESULTS ACHIEVED ( ) Institutional mechanisms established Interdepartmental commissions for designation of additional support for education in the 151 municipalities Joint Authority for assistance and tracking of interdepartmental commissions at the national level All schools in Serbia received basic training in inclusive education 320 schools received advanced training in inclusive education National network of support in inclusive education offering support 94% of municipalities in Serbia implementing at least one inclusive education project A third of municipalities in Serbia implementing the inclusion of Roma children Over 40% of special education schools testing the transformation model Every school in Serbia received inclusive education materials for teachers More students from marginalized groups involved in education
Professional teams for inclusive education are an important resource in any educational institution The proposal of determining the right to an Individual Education Plan The Individual Education Plan is drafted according to a child's or student's educational needs and may be made: 1) with an adapted curriculum in which the goal of support is precisely planned and related to customizing and enriching the premises and conditions for learning, adapting teaching methods, textbooks and teaching materials in the educational process and the schedule of activities and people offering support; 2) with an amended curriculum in which, apart from the content above, the adjustment of general education outcomes and specific standards of achievement are precisely planned
Professional teams for inclusive education propose members of a team which provides additional support for a child Professional teams for inclusive education obtain the opinion of inter-departmental commissions about assessing the need for additional educational, health and social support for a child and student The team for providing additional support to the child or student drafts the Individual Education Plan. A parent or guardian gives consent for the implementation of the Individual Education Plan
There is space for improvement of cooperation with the local community - local government, parents, health care system, social protection Local government should financially support the implementation of activities in schools for inclusive education, provision of assistive technology, modernization of equipment and employment of personal assistants Teacher competences - In some schools, the transfer of knowledge and practice is being carried out through experimental and open classes where inclusive materials are distributed and experiences and advice are shared. The views of parents and students depend on schools and teachers and on what stance they take and what kind of atmosphere is encountered in the school.
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