ASTRONOMY IN THE MEDIA IN SERBIA Veselka TRAJKOVSKA Astronomical Observatory, Belgrade, Serbia Introduction The media have a very important role in informing the public at large. Presented astronomical contents in a number of emissions and columns in various media contribute significantly popularizing astronomy as a science, especially among young population. Media and Astronomy Associates of Belgrade Astronomical Observatory, as well as those from the Public Observatory, mostly cooperate with the media, presenting current issues and interesting information (contents) on astronomy. A particular attention in the public comes from sensational cosmic events, such as the impact of Comet Shoemaker-Levy on Jupiter (1994), Venus transit across the Sun disc, recent research on black holes and quasars, etc., as well as astrobiology and modern cosmological theories. Almost in all the media, occasionally appeared contributions and interviews concerning astronomical events. At the RTS, within the Science Editorial, which was officially formed in 1970, there are also programs of serial character, in which are presented the relevant events and discoveries from the world of astronomy and astrophysics (Context 21, Scientific Coffee, On Step to Science, Modern World, Encyclopedia, Horizons, 30 Days in Science). Here are a few memorable shows in the past few years: SCIENTIFIQUE CAFE - Dark Side of the Universe, 2008; SCIENTIFIC COFFEE - CERN's Journey to the Center of Matter, 2010; WORLD CHALLENGE - CERN, 2010, SCIENTIFIC COFFEE - Hazards of the Solar System, 2012, SCIENTIFIC COFFEE - Black Hole, Also, a few years ago at the TV Studio B interesting serial emissions of cosmology were presented. Note that a large number of articles with the astronomical contents can be found in the Science section of site, since On many web pages, especially on the sites of astronomical societies there is information, which contributes to the popularization of astronomy and related sciences among the younger population. Pubic Observatory of Belgrade, where Astronomical Society "Rudjer Bošković“ works, regularly reports the media on its activities, on free courses for citizens, on Belgrade Astronomical Weekend, Summer Schools of Astronomy and Summer Astronomical Meeting, the beginning of the seasons and the many other events related to astronomy. The author wants to indicate some instances of incorrect popularizing in the field of history of science. In fact, some of admirers to the life and work of Milutin Milanković ( ), in particular, some of the members of the Association''Milutin Milanković'', incorrectly stated that he was the ''author'' of the calendar adopted by the Pan-Orthodox Congress (Conference) in Constantinople, in1923. However, historical and scientific facts clearly indicate that Milanković only changed the intercalation rule (i.e. distribution of simple and leap secular years) in the calendar of Maksim Trpković ( ), but preserved the basis of this calendar. Out of the 9 combinations resulting from the basis of Trpković’s calendar (Kečkić, 2001), he took the one that gives the remainders of 2 and 6, after dividing of the number of centuries by 9, in order to achieve a better matching with the Gregorian calendar (which was the requirement of the Pan-Orthodox Congress in Constantinople). Trpković opted for a combination which, after dividing the number of centuries by 9 yields the remainders of 0 and 4, striving the vernal equinox to be as often as possible on 21st March, and his intercalation rule is in accordance with the classical calendariography, and the practice after the Council of Nicaea 325 (Simovljević, 1996). Also, in the media (and in the literature), Milanković’s admirers from the Association have interpreted the accuracy of the calendar adopted in1923 in Constantinople as if this were Milanković’s merit, although it can be seen that the difference of about 2 seconds between the calendar year and the tropical one is not due to the intercalation rules, but results from the basis of Trpković’s calendar, that is from its calendar year (and which, unreasonably, they called ''Milanković’s'' as well as the calendar itself). Due to the fundamental scientific contribution of Maksim Trpković, it should be generally accepted, that the mentioned calendar is named Trpković–Milanković calendar (not only Milanković’s, because of his fame). In the world, this calendar is named Reformed (Revised) Julian calendar. Conclusion After examining the current material, we can say that the presence of astronomical contents in media is satisfactory. In relation to the incorrect presentation of facts in the media, concerning the contribution of Trpković and Milanković to the calendar reform, the author considers that the relevant institutions as Astronomical Observatory, Faculty of Mathematics and Mathematical Institute, after expert discussions should present their views in the public. Acknowledgements. The author would like to thank the Science Editorial of RTS for the obtained data of the relevant contributions, as well as the AS “Rudjer Bošković” for access to the work diary. This research has been supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia through the Project No References Kečkić D. J.: 2001, The question of the calendar and its history, Phlogiston, 11, pp Simovljević, L. Ј.: 1996, Milanković ‘s reform of Julian calendar, Glas SANU, CCCLXXXI, Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, 58, pp APPENDIX From the diary of the Astronomical Society ‘’Rudjer Bošković’’: Some Examples of Cooperation with the Media Abstract The astronomical contents in the media programs respectively in the media scope for science are considered. One finds the contemporary media to have a significant share in the popularization of astronomy, which is primarily directed to younger population. Also, the author wants to indicate some anomalies in the activities of certain groups at the popularization of the astronomical science, especially at the presentation of scientific facts.