A Guide to Good Practice The Partnership between The Public Library of Brasov (Romania) and The Public Library of Indjija (Serbia) by Ruxandra Nazare, Claudia Popescu “George Baritiu” Public Library of Brasov
FIRST STEPS Register Contact via Correspondence during a month
PROJECT Title: Let’s Dream Together Main Objective: exchange of knowledge, information and good practices Target Group: 30 children, for 8 to 12 years old
PROJECT1 Activities: “ Drawing a portrait” - a short documentary film – the first contact among the children participating in the project “The Friendship Book” - a collection of photographs, drawings, poems talking about the participants’ cities, their libraries and passions, allowing children to know each other better and, at one time, to exchange little “gifts”, such as friendship bracelets, bookmarks or handmade greetings cards “One summer, many stories “ –a common readings list – the children are invited to read one of the books by D. Defoe, J. Verne, J. M. Barrie, J. K. Rowling and J. R. R. Tolkien –online meeting debating these books
OUTCOMES libraries/ libraries/ Friendship book - books Drawing a portrait - films
RESULTS FOR LIBRARIANS AND USERS two active and dynamic librarians – Claudia Popescu and Andreea Zivkovic New knowledge (about the two countries involved) New skills (technological) New friends Funny and creative activities
CHILDREN’S IMPRESSIONS Proud to be involved, to present their city Funny moments during the film making Great opportunity to make new friends and share with them their passions Possibility to express their opinions Excellent working team Eager for the next activities
A NEW PROJECT A partnership with The Wetaskiwin Public Library, Canada (Alberta) Library CALLS (Creative Arts, Language and Literacy) – three elements: –Visual Expression Gallery – a virtual art gallery having as a goal to teach Romanian language (basic), –Art Exchange – graphic works exhibition –Poetry Garden – poetry podcasts for children in English, French and Romanian
Thank you for your attention! Ruxandra Nazare, Claudia Popescu