Strengthening Student Role in Governance and Management at the Universities of Serbia in line with the Bologna Process (SIGMUS ) Ružica Maksimović Grant.


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Presentation transcript:

Strengthening Student Role in Governance and Management at the Universities of Serbia in line with the Bologna Process (SIGMUS ) Ružica Maksimović Grant coordinator University of Belgrde, Belgrade, Serbia

Education If you plan one year ahead, grow rice; If you plan ten years ahead, plant a tree; If you plan hundred years ahead, educate people. (Confucius) 孔丘 Kong Qiu A portrait of Confucius, by Tang Dynasty artist Wu Daozi ( )

O B J E C T I V E S  To improve legal framework for students participation in governance and management at the universities in Serbia and in the HE regulatory bodies  To strengthen and enhance capacities of student representative bodies in HE issues related to implementation of Bologna action lines  To establish and develop organized and efficient student services at the Serbian Unversities TEMPUS RS-TEMPUS-SMGR

WIDER OBJECTIVES  To promote the reform and modernization of higher education in the partner countries  To enhance the quality and relevance of higher education in the partner countries  To build up the capacity of higher education institutions in the partner countries and the EU, in particular for international cooperation and for a permanent modernization process, and to assist them in opening themselves up to society at large  To enhance networking among higher education institutions and research institutes both in the partner and EU countries  To enhance mutual understanding between peoples and cultures of the EU and of the partner countries TEMPUS RS-TEMPUS-SMGR

P A R T N E R S  University of Belgrade Serbia (RS) Coordinating institution Ruzica Maksimovi ć  University of Novi Sad Serbia (RS) Dragan Šešlija  University of Nis Serbia (RS) Vera Markovi ć  State University of Novi Pazar Serbia (RS) Ć emal Doli ć anin  The Assoc. of Directors of Serbian Schools of Applied Studies Serbia (RS) Ivan Miloševi ć  University "Singidunum" Serbia (RS) Marina Ž ivi ć  Student Union of Serbia Serbia (RS) Nataša Sajlovi ć  Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia (RS) Radivoje Mitrovi ć  National Council for Higher Education Serbia (RS) Srdjan Stankovi ć  University "Megatrend" Serbia (RS) Milena Joksimovi ć Pajevi ć  University of Kragujevac Serbia (RS) Radojka Krneta  Students' Alliance of Belgrade Serbia (RS) Kristina Davidovi ć  Technical University of Crete Greece (EL), Vassilis Mousakis  University of Maribor Slovenia (SI), Mladen Kraljic  University of Udine Italy (IT), Elisabeta Bergamini  Middlesex University United Kingdom (UK), Michael Dawney  Student Union BOKU Austria (AT), Florian Weinberger TEMPUS RS-TEMPUS-SMGR

WORK PACKAGES  WP 1 (development) Evaluation of student participation in the university governance and management and student services in the consortium members  University of Niš TEMPUS RS-TEMPUS-SMGR

1.0. Evaluation of student participation in the university governance and management and student services in the consortium members Activity ending in the I year Start:October 15 – November 15, 2010 End:Septembar 15 – October 15, Comparative analysis of the current legal framework and regulations and best practice in the field of student participation in the university governance and management, and Higher Education reform in the EU partner countries and in Serbia 1.2. In depth assessment of models of students’ services in the EU partner countries 1.3. Finding best solutions on student participation in university governance and management and models of students’ services, and designing action plans on their implementation in Serbia Lead Partner: University of Nis, Nis, Serbia

 WP 2 (development) Tuning of the legal framework on student participation in governance and management at the Serbian Universities in line with the EU best practices  University of Belgrade TEMPUS RS-TEMPUS-SMGR WORK PACKAGES

2.1. Creating a team of representatives from student bodies, Ministry of Education, National Council of Higher Education, for proposing a new legislative and improvement of current regulations 2.2. Creation a proposal for a new legislation on student participation in university governance and management 2.3. Organization of panel discussions on new proposal of Law on Student Organizing and new bylaws 2.0. Tuning of the legal framework on student participation in governance and management at the Serbian Universities in line with the EU best practices Activity ending in the III year Start:October 15, 2010 End:October 15, 2013 Lead Partner: University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia 2.4. Adoption of proposal of the Law on Student Organizing by Ministry of Education

 WP 3 (development) Strengthening of student representative bodies on all level of higher education  Students’ Alliance of Belgrade TEMPUS RS-TEMPUS-SMGR WORK PACKAGES

3.1. Detailed planning of capacity building of the student representative bodies (SCONUS, Student parliaments) 3.2. Developing on-line visibility of student parliaments through creating web portals 3.4. Training of student representatives at all universities in Serbia 3.0. Strengthening of student representative bodies Activity ending in the III year Start:October 15, 2010 End:October 15, Training for trainers in issues related to Bologna action lines at EU partner universities Lead Partner: Student Alliance Belgrade, Serbia

 WP 4 (development) Improvement of student participation in the implementation of Bologna Process by promoting European dimension in higher education  University of Novi Sad TEMPUS RS-TEMPUS-SMGR WORK PACKAGES

4.1. Designing of methodologies and indicators for monitoring and evaluation process of implementation of Bologna process at Serbian universities with participation of EU partners 4.2. Development of internet based platform for communication, analysis results sharing, coordination and synergy of student representatives and all national partner institutions (SKONUS platform) 4.0. Improvement of student participation in the implementation of Bologna Process by promoting European dimension in higher education - I Activity ending in the III year Start:October 15, 2010 End:October 15, In-depth analysis of student workload and ECTS implementation, involvement of curriculum designing, learning outcomes, etc. by students’ parliaments of universities through internet based platform Lead Partner: University of Novi Sad, Serbia

 WP 5 (development) Establishment and development of student services at Serbian Universities  Student union of Serbia TEMPUS RS-TEMPUS-SMGR WORK PACKAGES

5.1. Creating a database of all student organisation in Serbia 5.2. Creation and implementing student e-services 5.0. Establishment and development of student services at Serbian Universities Activity ending in the III year Start:October 15, 2010 End:October 15, Creating Alumni organization for each university in Serbia Lead Partner: Student Union of Serbia 5.4. Creating a team of student mentors from all Serbian Universities, establishment of Student Mentors Pool (SMP) 5.5. Preparing, printing and distribution of guidelines related to SMPs` rights and responsibilities 5.6. Training of local student mentors at all Serbian Universities

 WP 6 (quality plan) Quality Control and Monitoring of all project activities  University of Kragujevac TEMPUS RS-TEMPUS-SMGR WORK PACKAGES

6.1. Assessment of the results by the Project Committee for Quality Control and Monitoring 6.2. Evaluation of the project results by students of the partner Universities 6.0. Quality Control and Monitoring Activity ending in the III year Start:October 15, 2010 End:October 15, Assessment of the project results by external experts Lead Partner: University of Kragujevac, Serbia

 WP 7 (exploitation) Sustainability of all realized project activities  National C ouncil for H igher E ducation TEMPUS RS-TEMPUS-SMGR WORK PACKAGES

7.1. Regular meetings of student regulatory bodies and University authorities 7.2. Regular meetings of student regulatory bodies and HE institutions 7.0. Sustainability Activity ending in the III year Start:October 15, 2010 End:October 15, University networking Lead Partner: National Council of Higher Education, Serbia

 WP 8 (dissemination) Dissemination of all data relevant for the project, predominantly the results of project activities  University of Singidunum TEMPUS RS-TEMPUS-SMGR WORK PACKAGES

8.1. Creation of the project web portal and web site 8.2. Ensuring availability of the project results 8.0. Dissemination Activity ending in the III year Start:October 15, 2010 End:October 15, Dissemination conference with stakeholders Lead Partner: University of Singidunum, Serbia

 WP 9 (menagement) Management of project activities  University of Belgrade TEMPUS RS-TEMPUS-SMGR WORK PACKAGES

9.1. Functioning of the Project Management Board 9.2. Regular coordination meetings 9.0. Management of the project Activity ending in the III year Start:October 15, 2010 End:October 15, 2013 Lead Partner: University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia


Strengthening Student Role in Governance and Management at the Universities of Serbia in line with the Bologna Process (SIGMUS ) Ružica Maksimović, MD, PhD