CH. 11.1
Formed in 1882 Germany, Austria- Hungary, and Italy Ottoman Empire joins in 1914
Entente- Friendly agreement between nations (not a full alliance) Forms in 1893 between Russia and France Britain signs an entente with France in 1904
Archduke Franz Ferdinand takes a trip to Bosnia Visit angers Serbian Nationalists
The Black Hand (a Serbian terrorist group) vow to take action On June 28 th 1914 Ferdinand and his wife are slain by Gavrilo Princip
Francis Joseph leader of Austria- Hungary was reluctant to start a war His government advisors wanted to enter a conflict Kaiser Wilhelm II (leader of Germany) wrote t0 Joseph advising a firm stance ▪ Germany gives Austria-Hungary a “blank check”
Austria-Hungary sent an ultimatum to Serbia It entailed: Serbia ending all anti-Austrian activities Punish any Serbian officials involved in the assassination Allow Austria to conduct their own investigation
Serbia’s response Serbia agrees to all of the conditions except one. “A-H” declares war on Serbia July 28, 1914.
Russia & France back Serbia Serbia enlists the help of its ally, Russia ▪ which brought France along with it into the war. Germany Invades Belgium Schlieffen Plan ▪ Created to avoid fighting a “two front war” ▪ Goal was to crush France's army (by marching through neutral Belgium) then moved east to face Russia ▪ Britain (& other European powers) guaranteed Belgium neutrality
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