Started late – but intens Serbia advocated to be included in the Post National Consultation process following the drop-out of Bosnia & Herzegovina in summer 2012 Launched the process with Serbian Prime Minister Dacic, who wrote the first post on Facebook during UN Day, Oct 2012 Intensive consultations started in January 2013.
MDG Agenda Achievement of the MDGs is very high on the agenda of Serbian Government UNCT Serbia prepared an “MDG Barometer” that presents Serbia being on track on most MDGs, Some indicators requiring further attention, particularly MDG-1: Poverty situation in Serbia has experienced negative trends as of 2009 due to economic crisis. UNCT and Government of Serbia will work together to advance MDG achievement by the set deadline – 2015.
Post 2015 Consultations Government of Serbia appreciates the opportunity to be one of 88 countries taking part in this process through national consultations People of Serbia appreciate opportunity to directly voice their views on a new global (and national) development agenda UNCT Serbia led the consultations process professionally and produced a quality summary report that is currently being reviewed by stakeholders, including the Advisory Board (where MFA and SEIO take part on behalf of the Government). Government of Serbia also takes active part in the Open Working Group of SDGs together with the Government of Belarus. A statement was given by Serbian Permanent Representative to UN on March 15. Government of Serbia is committed to take part in other relevant regional and global meetings dedicated to Post-2015 and/or Sustainable Development Goals agenda.
Consultations Results 28,000 people participated in the consultations in Serbia. People from Serbia have indicated the following priorities for the Serbian development agenda starting in 2015: more/better jobs and decent employment, eradication of poverty and better support to vulnerable, responsible and responsive government, and srengthened institutions, culture of responsibility, tolerance and social cohesion, incl. equality gender better quality education, better health care, responsible and sustainable environmental stewardship. Government of Serbia and the UNCT Serbia work together to intergate these priorities in all relevant development plans. Activities will continue to ensure that people can give their voice in future through the social media tools that are currently in place with UNCT Serbia
Post 2015 Consultations in Serbia and UN Cohesion Inter-agency Post-2015 Working Group involved all Resident and non-resident UN Agencies (>20); NRA via Skype; including also WB and IMF Weekly meetings co-chaired by RCO and UNDP, including consultancy group specialized on consultations & data analysis Donors and partners kept informed and involved on the regular basis UNDAF NSC acted as Post-2015 Consultations Advisory Body Post-2015 consultations linked with UNDAF
Consultations Process Highlights (Jan-May 2013) 9,000 people visited “Serbia-We-Want” ( platform. 7 open questions, voting 6 out of 16 and thematic discussion through social media. Global Platforms fed regularly – Serbia is one of the three highest rated in the region for contributing to the “My World” platform. 250,000 reached on Facebook more than 10,000 participated in the discussion 5,000 surveys completed (2,000 through direct consultations; 3,000 on-line survey). Twenty events organized with > 1,000 participants (children and youth, women and elderly from remote rural areas, trade unions, employers’ associations, farmers, women associations, Roma, migrants, refugees and internally displaced people, students, workers, unemployed, NGOs, experts from different policy areas, representatives of health and education sectors and decision makers, Children with autism).Children with autism Customized song "Life is beautiful“ with video produced by MTV stars.Life is beautiful 60 news briefs on UN Country Team Facebook page; 5000 participated in 40 thematic discussions 30 TV appearances in 60 days
Consultations Process Highlights (cooperation with the private sector)
Music video, produced for the initiative “Srbija Kakvu Želim“ Promotinal video, produced for the initiative “Srbija Kakvu Želim“ “Original” - song performed by children with autism
Links with other processes MDGs Achievement (1,000 days of action campaign, Twitter Relly, MDG Barometer) Human Security (HS Trust Fund supports a Joint UN Programme in South-West Serbia, launched simultaneously with Post-2015 National Consultations) UNDAF review & re-prioritization (same Advisory Board) AOC (results & best practices were presented at the Vienna Global AOC Forum) Government Needs Assessment (Paris Declaration) and national development agenda
Links with other processes Twitter rally
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