Република Србија МИНИСТАРСТВО ПРОСВЕТЕ, НАУКЕ И ТЕХНОЛОШКОГ РАЗВОЈА Research Results on Gender-Based Violence in Schools
Integrated Response to Violence against Women in Serbia United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) UN Development Programme (UNDP) UN Agency for Gender Equality (UN Women) School without Violence Unit for the Prevention of Violence, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia UNICEF Office in Serbia Institute for Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
Research Team Center for Gender and Politics, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade Jelena Ćeriman, B.A., sociologist, researcher Ksenija Perišić, B.A., psychologist, researcher Na đ a Duhaček, M.A., women’s studies, researcher Marina Bogdanović, B.A., psychologist, consultant Daša Duhaček, PhD, coordinator
Main goal: to explore gender-based violence (GBV) in elementary schools and high schools in Serbia Research respondents: male and female students, from the 4 th grade of elementary school to the 4 th grade of high school, as well as teachers and school psychologists and school pedagogues Sample: 50 schools (35 elementary schools and 15 high schools) A total of questionnaires were filled out.
Number of Research Respondents MaleFemaleTotal Teachers Psychologists and Pedagogues Students in Elementary Schools Students in High Schools Total Structure of the Sample
Results Gender-based violence (GBV) has now been documented in elementary schools and high schools in Serbia 69 % of elementary school students and 74 % of high school students stated that they have experienced some form of GBV since the beginning of the 2013/2014 school year.
Elementary school Grade Total IVVVIVIIVIII Number of students % within grade 53%61%70%79%83%69% High school GradeTotal IIIIIIIV Number of students % within grade 69%74%77% 74% Students who have experienced at least one form of GBV
Gender of those who perpetrate GBV When students were asked about their experience of GBV, they were also asked about the gender and age of perpetrators (male or female, peers or teachers). Boys constitute the majority of those who perpetrated GBV against other boys and girls alike.
Reporting GBV to Eemployees of Eelementary schools Verbal GBV Physical sexual harassment
Reporting GBV to employees of High Schools Verbal GBV Physical sexual harassment
Attitudes toward GBV, Students of 6 th, 7 th and 8 th grade, Elementary School
Attitudes toward GBV, students of 6 th, 7 th and 8 th grade, Elementary Schools More than 60% of students blame the victim of sexual harassment. 60% of boys and 27% of girls justify violence against homosexual persons. 44% of boys find that sexual harassment of girls is acceptable. Close to 1 in 5 (19%) boys think that there are situations when a boyfriend can slap his girlfriend.
Where do we go from here? 77 % of elementary school students and 69% of high school students think that these topics (gender roles, gender equality, GBV prevention) should be discussed in schools. 75% of elementary school employees and 68% of high school employees stated that they are interested in attending further trainings regarding gender roles, gender equality and GBV prevention.
We are grateful to: Teachers, school psychologists and school pedagogues Mentors within the project School without Violence Women’s feminist nongovernmental organizations Unit for the Prevention of Violence, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia UNICEF Office in Serbia Institute for Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade