Serbian Experience On Crime Statistics and The Way Forward Seminar on crime statistics, NY February 2012 Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia
Crime Statistics in Serbia: the current situation Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (SORS) - currently produces and publishes data on minor and adult criminal offenders and responsible and legal entities that committed commercial offences Ministry of Interior/police - produces (but not publishes) data based on evidence of crimes and persons Ministry of Justice - produces data on convicted persons and processes… Republic Public Prosecutor’s Office, prepares annual report on work the Office and basic crime statistics
Crime Statistics in Serbia, strengths and weaknesses Strengths Data on reported crime (conventional offences such as homicide, robberies, thefts, etc.) are regularly produced and published Data on reported crime (conventional offences such as homicide, robberies, thefts, etc.) are regularly produced and published Data on criminal justice system (arrests, prosecutions, sentence, detention, etc.) are regularly produced and published Data on criminal justice system (arrests, prosecutions, sentence, detention, etc.) are regularly produced and published Good technical/statistical capacity at SORSGood technical/statistical capacity at SORS
Crime Statistics in Serbia, strengths and weaknesses Weaknesses Data on ‘dark figure’ of crime is not regularly available (no victimization survey) Data on ‘dark figure’ of crime is not regularly available (no victimization survey) Police data on crime/arrests are not always available Police data on crime/arrests are not always available Issues of data quality/reliability (lack of independence of data producers) Issues of data quality/reliability (lack of independence of data producers) Issues of data consistency among different data sources Issues of data consistency among different data sources Data on hidden/complex crime not available (organised crime, corruption, money laundering, etc.) - Data on hidden/complex crime not available (organised crime, corruption, money laundering, etc.) - Only basic data Lack of analytical reports/publications Lack of analytical reports/publications
Crime Statistics in Serbia, strengths and weaknesses Critical issues (reasons behind weaknesses) Reluctance of line ministries to coordinate and use common statistical standards Reluctance of line ministries to coordinate and use common statistical standards Unclear role of SORS in this field of statistics, i.e. line ministries do not recognize SORS technical role Unclear role of SORS in this field of statistics, i.e. line ministries do not recognize SORS technical role Lack of funding Lack of funding etc. etc.
A promising experience: Corruption in Serbia Bribery as experienced by the population
Basic notes The survey was conducted by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (SORS), with the support of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the European Commission Full involvement of national stakeholders (meetings, consultations, launch events, etc.) Leading role of SORS in developing methodology, conducting fieldwork and producing final report
Basic notes (cont.) The Survey covered topics such as: corruption-related experience, Use and quality of public services Opinions/perceptions about corruption and integrity corruption reporting. In addition to corruption, module on crime victimizations and citizens’ security. In order to ensure comparability of results of the survey in the Western Balkans, the same questionnaire and methodology (defined by the UNODC) were applied in other countries.
In your opinion, what are the most important problems that Serbia is facing today? 17.1% of the population believes that corruption is the biggest problem in Serbia
Percentage distribution of bribe-payers who paid to selected types of public officials in Serbia?
Percentage distribution of bribes paid by type of payment, Serbia (2010)
Percentage distribution of bribes paid by amount paid in EUR (Serbia 2010) 153 EUR is the average amount of bribe paid in cash (last 12 months)
Last time that you had to make such extra payment, gift or counter favour, how did you understand that it was expected?
Prevalence of bribery in the Western Balkans
Lessons learnt Upgrade of SORS methodological skills in the field of crime statistics Increased cooperation by institutions ( Anti Corruption Council, Republic Public Prosecutor’s Office, Courts, SORS, Ministry of Interior...) Recognition of SORS role by other government agencies/ministries Increased visibility of SORS towards media, NGOs and general public Increased credibility of SORS due to its involvement in this difficult and sensitive area Increased cooperation with NSOs of neighboring countries Etc.
Stronger role of the SORS according to the Law of Official Statistics - in determining common statistical standards for all producers of crime data Improving coordination (among various institutions) - through establishment of a statistical committee/group on crime statistics Improved access to the data sources - through formal agreement with relevant line ministries/institutions Developing survey methodology for better measuring crime phenomena Improving analytical capacity - establishment of regular reporting system Using international experiences and standards CHALLENGES AHEAD: