Belgrade December With support from the European Union Progress Programme.
In 2007, the United Nations passed a new law: people with disabilities have the same rights as everyone else The European Union ratified it in 2010 Serbia ratified the Convention in 2009, so the content of the convention is now part of the Serbian law 2 The UNCRPD
3 Article 19 Independent living and being part of the community Article 17 Treating disabled people as people first Right to be treated the same as everyone else with the same respect and rights
The UNCRPD 4 Article 28 Standards of living Equal right to a good standard of living Help and support to improve standard of living Article 22 Right to privacy
HOW CAN YOU INVOLVE SERVICE USERS? Invite persons with a disability to participate in every research work concerning them Involve persons with a disability in the recruitment of your staff 5
HOW CAN YOU INVOLVE SERVICE USERS? Make persons with a disability part of the board of the organisation Use accessible and easy-to- read communication to reach persons with an intellectual disability 6
What EASPD can do Awareness-raising Collect good practice examples and share with the membership Policy implementation Encourage full implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, aiming to fully involve persons with a disability in society and in the services supporting them Partnership Work together with Disabled People Organisations and consult with them when drafting policy papers Accessibility Improve accessibility of documents 7
EASPD Av. d’Auderghem 63 / Oudergemselaan B – 1040 Brussels Tel – Fax