God sees: I am righteous I am: a sinner Law: Abraham starts with circumcision But: I am still a sinner The whole nation sacrifices & keeps food laws
God sees: I am righteous Abraham: a sinner Faith = believed God But: I am still a sinner
God sees: I am righteous I am: a sinner Faith in Christ But: I am still a sinner Fulfilled the law
God sees: I am righteous I am: a sinner Faith in Christ But: I am still a sinner Law Change
The law + sinners ≠ blessing The law + sinners = covenant curse. The law + perfect rescuer becoming a curse = blessing for all with faith
God sees: I am righteous I am: a sinner Faith in Christ But: I am still a sinner Fulfilled the law
God sees: I am righteous I am: a sinner Faith in Christ But: I am still a sinner Change Holy Spirit Our hearts & lives