The Sin Offering The Cross and Its Shadow, pages Memory Verse: Isaiah 53:10-12
Questions 1.What sanctuary service brought the individual worshipper into close touch with the Lord? 2.Complete this verse, “If we confess________________________” Where is it found in the Bible? 3.What is sin? 4.Explain the reason for bringing the sin offering.
Questions 5.If a priest sinned, what did he have to do? Why? 6.If the sinner was a common person, what could he bring as a sin offering? 7.What did the value of the animal mean? 8.Where was the sin offering brought?
Questions 9.What did the sinner then do? 10.What did the priest with the blood? 11.What happened to the bodies of the animals? How did this relate to Christ? 12.Explain the type and antitype of the sinner confessing his sins over the lamb. 13.What happened when the blood of the sin offering was not taken into the sanctuary.
Questions 14.What did eating flesh of the sin offering mean? 15. What does Leviticus 6:30 say? 16.They type was beautiful. Read Romans 4:7,8 and Isaiah 38:17 17.Name two things that were essential in every sin offering. 18.After the blood was presented before the Lord, what important work did the sinner have to perform? 19.What happened to the fat? 20.What did the fat represent? 21.Review Psalms 73:2-17 of David beholding the prosperity of the wicked and realize their end from these verses.
Questions 22.What is the only reason God will ever destroy a sinner? 23.Why was the priest waiting for the sinner to separate the fat from the offering, ready to take it as soon as it was offered to Him? 24.Why was the burning of the fat a sweet savor unto the Lord? 25.Name some of the other offerings a poorer person could bring. 26.God made provision for every sinner. Fill in the blanks ”The one who brought the_______, his _______ shall be _____ him, just the _______ as the one able to bring a __________.” 27.Where was the blood poured in every sin offering? 28.Explain how the ground was cursed. How can this curse be removed?
Questions 29.Because the sins of mankind defile the earth, the blood from every sin offering was poured out on the ground. From which part of the sanctuary was the blood poured? What did the blood represent? 30.How did the first sin affect the earth? 31.Write a paragraph explaining Numbers 35: After the sin offering had been made, what happened to the remainder of the blood? Why?