The theme of the entire Bible is human redemption The purpose of all God has done through Christ was to redeem man A summary of the primary features involved in God's plan for redemption is found in Eph 1:7
MEANING OF REDEMPTION - To take by purchase, to buy, to ransom – Sinner is in bondage to sin Rom 6:16-18 – Redemption occurs when there is forgiveness of sins Eph 1:7 Redemption & forgiveness not synonyms Yet no person is redeemed except where forgiveness has occurred Each stress a different thought yet both have to do with salvation
CAUSE OF REDEMPTION – Sin separated man from God Isa 59:1-2; Eph 2:12; Ezek 18:20; Rom 6:23 – Man is hopeless and helpless in and of himself Jer 10:23 – Because of His grace, God provided a way for man to escape spiritual death Eph 2:1-8 explains the cause of God's action in behalf of the sinner Out of this attitude came the "gift"
CAUSE OF REDEMPTION – Truly the cause of God's action was his "grace" God's justice demanded death Exek 18:20 God is both just and the justifier Rom 3:26 – Grace not only factor in salvation If so, there would be universal salvation because God loves all Jhn 3:16; Titus 2:11-12 Yet all men will not be saved Matt 7:13-27 – Grace is God's part in man's redemption
COST OF REDEMPTION – A ransom had to be paid - a purchase price Wages of sin is death Rom 6:23 Yet God wants the sinner to live 2Pet 3:9 – Only thing that could satisfy the demands was a perfect sacrifice - Christ's blood Heb 10:4; 9:12-14; 1Pet 1:18-19 – Blood is not applied directly or physically Benefits received upon obedience to Christ Heb 5:8-9; Rom 6:3-4 Some claim cleansing by the blood while refusing to obey Christ Matt 7:21-23 – Obedience is man's part in redemption
LOCATION OF REDEMPTION – "In whom" expresses the where of redemption Eph 1:3; 2Cor 5:17 – How does one enter "into Christ" so as to be redeemed? Why would any sinner not be satisfied to allow Christ to tell him the "where" and "when" 1Pet 4:11 Scriptures are clear on "how" if we believe them Gal 3:26-27; Rom 6:3-4 – All New Testament conversions show baptism into Christ to be the final act in God's plan for man's redemption (salvation) Mk 16:16; Acts 22:16 – Then there must be faithfulness on the part of the redeemed Matt 10:22; Rev 2:10 into
Have you been redeemed? In Christ you can find forgiveness because grace provided the ransom through His blood Will you enter into union with Christ by being baptized into His death, into the benefits of His blood, and thereby be redeemed? Rom 6:3-4