Lo, he comes, in clouds descending Hymn 230
1 Lo, he comes, in clouds descending, Jesus comes on earth to reign; all the angel-hosts attending form his bright and glorious train. Hallelujah! Jesus will his power maintain.
2 Now is come the judgment morning, sons of night must flee away; saints behold the welcome dawning of a bright eternal day. Hallelujah! Truth shall all the nations sway.
3 Now is come the day of burning, now the great refiner’s fire fills the sinner’s heart with mourning, grants the humble soul’s desire. Hallelujah! Let his love his saints inspire.
3 Now is come the day of burning, now the great refiner’s fire fills the sinner’s heart with mourning, grants the humble soul’s desire. Hallelujah! Let his love his saints inspire.
4 Now he brings to light the treasures stored in his eternal Word; now he gives celestial pleasures; glory to our God and Lord. Hallelujah! Be his holy name adored.
5 Hail the day of great salvation, never shall his kingdom fail; let each tribe and tongue and nation gladly their Redeemer hail. Hallelujah! Death and hell no more prevail. William Mason Based on Charles Wesley