Cat’s Cradle The Handmaid’s Tale PotpourriJuly’s People God of Small Things
Symbol for man’s capacity for destruction through scientific advancement. Category 1: $100: A
What is Ice 9? Category 1: $100: Q
The two layered allusion in the first sentence of the novel Category 1: $200: A
What is “Call me Jonah” – biblical figure swallowed by a whale after trying to avoid God’s command and riff on Moby Dick’s Ismael – a man who goes on a journey with a maniacal sea captain hell-bent on defeating a great whale. Category 1: $200: Q
A group you claim allegiance to that is false, such as America or UT Longhorns Category 1: $300: A
What is a Granfalloon? Category 1: $300: Q
The character who recited the following poem: Tiger got to hunt,/ Bird got to fly;/ Man got to sit and wonder, ‘Why, why,why?’/ Tiger got to sleep, Bird got to land;/ Man got to tell himself he understand.” Category 1: $400: A
Who is Julian Castle Category 1: $400: Q
The final words of the novel and potentially of The Books of Bokonon. Category 1: $500: A
What is “…I would write a history of human stupidity; and I would climb to the top of Mount McCabe …and I would take from the ground some of the blue-white poison …thumbing my nose at You Know Who.” Category 1: $500: Q
The prefix of all handmaid names and rationale behind those names. Category 2: $100: A
What is “Of-”, which when followed by the name of their commander indicates their submissive role? Category 2: $100: Q
The means by which Atwood organizes the text of THMT. Category 2: $200: A
What is into short diary-like chapters collected into sections with headings that typically hint at time, place or action (“Night,” “Shopping,” “Waiting Room”) Category 2: $200: Q
Which character, who serves as a foil to Offred, does Offred encounter at Jezebel’s and how is her fate more or less tragic than Offred’s? Category 2: $300: A
Who is Moira, who cannot be contained by the aunts or effectively “re-educated” so she escapes and is recaptured only to be forced into (or willingly enger into?) prostitution Category 2: $300: Q
The significance of the “Historical Notes on THMT” found at the end of the novel. Category 2: $400: A
What is to provide an explanation for how the narrative has been passed on despite the restrictive nature of Gilead, to indicate the futility of such societies? Category 2: $400: Q
The secret message Offred discovers in the cupboard in her room. Category 2: $500: A
What is “nolite te bastardes carborundorum” or don’t let the bastards get you down Category 2: $500: Q
A symbol used by both Atwood and Vonnegut to suggest the brutality of totalitarian regimes. For the characters in Vonnegut’s novel, the threat is empty; for Atwood’s characters, the threat is palpable Category 3: $100: A
Category 3: $100: Q What is the hook?
Novels where the POV is divided among multiple characters. Category 3: $200: A
What are The God of Small Things and July’s People Category 3: $200: Q
A limited geographic setting creates both a sense of claustrophobia and (paradoxically) a sense of isolation. Category 3: $300: A
What are July’s People and The Handmaid’s Tale Category 3: $300: Q
Red signifies rebellion and danger in these novels (among other things). Category 3: $400: A
What are The God of Small Things and The Handmaid’s Tale Category 3: $400: Q
These characters are victims of injustice. Category 3: $500: A
Who are Velutha, Janine, Jonah’s cat Category 3: $500: Q
The nation in which July’s People is set. Category 4: $100: A
What is South Africa? Category 4: $100: Q
Two symbols that reflect the power struggle between July and Maureen and Bam Category 4: $200: A
What are the bakkie/keys to the bakkie and Bam’s gun. Category 4: $200: Q
This gift Bam provided to the village intoxicated the Smales family and revealed their savage natures. Category 4: $300: A
What are the warthogs (Bam and Maureen kept the smaller, more delicious one for their own family). Category 4: $300: Q
Three levels of conflict explored by Gordimer through her characters in July’s People. Category 4: $400: A
What are race, gender, generational, socio-economic, cultural Category 4: $400: Q
The last sentence of July’s People. Category 4: $500: A
What is “She runs.” As Marueen runs toward the helicopter, desperate for an escape whether it be freedom or capture. Category 4: $500: Q
The twins. Category 5: $100: A
Who are Esta and Rahel? Category 5: $100: Q
Unlike Velutha, this character was “a good, safe Paravan.” Category 5: $200: A
Category 5: $200: Q Who is Kuttappen?
Three Central symbols in GOST. Category 5: $300: A
What are banana jam, the boat, The Sound of Music, the blue plymouth, the love-in- tokyo/Elvis poof/child’s watch, the history house, the river, Pappachi’s moth, Kathakali dancers, wedding ring/snake charm, etc. Category 5: $300: Q
The great love of Baby Kochama’s life. Category 5: $400: A
Who was Father Mulligan? Category 5: $400: Q
Character who ironically reinforces the societal injustice he claims to oppose. Category 5: $500: A
Who is Chacko? Category 5: $500: Q
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