Misjudged for her actions In the beginning of the book Ms.Reed accuses Jane for lying and takes the side of her son John even though Jane has done nothing wrong. Actions like these develops Jane’s hatred for Ms.Reed
Broklehurst analysis Brocherst talks to Jane and ask her if she likes the book of Psalms When Jane says no he automatically accuses her of being a sinner even though she reads other parts of the bible. Once again Jane is falsely accused of being a sinner but this time its by a Christian hypocrite.
Raised upon false teachings During breakfast Mr.Brocklehurst gets upset at Julia Severn for having curly hair stating that everyone should be humble like Jesus in the bible and have straight hair, Brocklehurst says that it is a sin to have curly hair when it is not and displays how much of a hypocrite he is of his beliefs when his daughters walk in with curly hair and fine linen dresses.
John Reeds Deeds When John Reed grows up he engulfs himself into a sinful life filled with gambling and drinking. This causes him to eventually commit suicide but not after Jane stands up to him. After his death no one really cares.
Helens final hour Helen explains to Jane who God is, what Heaven is and that she is going there. Jane becomes familiar with Christianity and more curious about it.
Jane Turns to God After the first wedding with Rochester Jane realizes that she has some troubling time ahead of her. In response to this Jane Prays to God and ask him to guide her through her troubles This is in contrast to the beginning of the book when Jane was not familiar with God
Rochester’s argue meant Jane goes on to have a conversation with Rochester about sin and redemption From this Jane is able to deduce that Rochester has done bad things in his life and isn’t as perfect as he seems
Rochester’s Bigamy During the first wedding Rochester’s first wife is revealed, showing Jane that he was attempting to commit bigamy. After this happens Jane locks herself away and prays.
St.John Jane spends times with the rivers and finds out through St.John that the are related and divide up the family wealth As Jane spends time with St.John she hears Rochester's voice and is compelled to reunite with him.
Summary Throughout the book sin plays a role in Jane’s life as something she was falsely accused for having. She goes from not being well versed in the bible to being a strong confident christen woman based on her encounters with sin Also those in the novel who sin where all punished for their actions
Sources: Jane Eyre (Book),