DISCRIMINATION AND STEREOTYPES We have identified people who are discriminated against in our society. Often discrimination is based on stereotyping Stereotyping – oversimplifications of people and groups widely circulated in certain societies (e.g. racial groups are linked to stereotypes such as being good at math, athletics, dancing etc.) What stereotypes exist in our society about: Same-sex oriented males? Same-sex oriented females?
SOME EXISTING STEREOTYPES INCLUDE… Same sex oriented persons: Are very different persons than heterosexuals Fear or hate the opposite sex Act like the opposite sex or want to be the opposite sex Are excessively sexual Are a threat to others (will attack or prey on adults or children, possibly to “turn other people gay”) Are failures and turn to the same sex because they can’t find a relationship with the opposite sex Are unstable and have unstable relationships Source: Often Invisible, Central Toronto Youth Services
LET’S GET THINKING! What does the Bible say? PQN9UWe4K16zF2c – God said it, I believe it, that settles it! PQN9UWe4K16zF2c Summarize the message of this video Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin
PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF SAME-SEX ORIENTATION People do not CHOOSE their sexual orientation – whether it is homosexual or heterosexual. Suicide rates are much higher among homosexual persons – calls society to show more compassion. Research shows that suicide rates are 5 times higher among gay men compared to heterosexual men. This is related to internalizing of homophobia. Homosexuality is NOT a disease, so it cannot be “cured” – counseling can help people accept themselves, but will not change orientation. The “coming out” experience is often very traumatic.
PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF SAME-SEX ORIENTATION Gay men are not typically effeminate and lesbians are not typically masculine – this is a generalization. Same-sex oriented people, as a group, are not attracted to children – this is pedophilia – small groups of pedophiles exist in BOTH heterosexual and homosexual populations. Homosexual persons come from all social classes, ethnicities and career choices. What careers are seen as “gay” jobs? It is estimated at gay men account for 2.5% of the male population and lesbians account for 1% of the female population in Canada.
SAME-SEX ORIENTATION IN THE BIBLE Most Christians believe that the Bible “bashes” people who are homosexual. Much of this is based on misinterpretation (and literal interpretation). There are less than 10 passages in the Bible on this subject. Many of the passages in the Old Testament refer to same-sex acts associated with pagan rituals. The Bible says that sex belongs in heterosexual marriage. Jesus called us to love everyone, especially the outcast.
WHAT DOES THE CATHOLIC CHURCH SAY? The Church teaches that: a lesbian or gay orientation, in itself is not sinful. Same-sex oriented people remain full members of the Church. Like all other Catholics, same-sex oriented people are called to chastity. We should never discriminate against people for any reason. Sexual orientation is not a choice.
WHAT ABOUT SEXUAL ACTIVITY? Church teachings say that sexual activity between people of the same sex is immoral for two reasons: They are against male-female complementarity They have no procreative possibility (that is, they cannot create a new human life). The Church teaches us to make a distinction between the person and the person’s acts. We can reject a person’s acts if they are immoral, but we are always called to love the person. This is the way God loves us and so we are called to imitate this.
WHAT SUPPORTS EXIST? Courage International In the modern church… (Pope Francis ABC news)