Adult II Couples Class. PhysicalSpiritualPracticalChurchMisc -The Savages-Tony: Cancer treatments -Cathy Lassiter: Cancer treatments -Construction -New.


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Presentation transcript:

Adult II Couples Class

PhysicalSpiritualPracticalChurchMisc -The Savages-Tony: Cancer treatments -Cathy Lassiter: Cancer treatments -Construction -New converts from revival -Farrars traveling

 Benevolence Fund  R.E.A.P. (R-Team)  Monthly Fellowships  May  June  July  Dinner Out Friday (25 May)  5th Sunday Breakfast (29 July)  Quarterly Service Project  Ends of the earth project:  Savage family care package  Judea Project?  Phase Three Construction  Graduation Recognition (6 May)  Winshape Leader Conference (12 May)  Mother’s Day-No PM Service (13 May)  Blood Pressure Checks (13 May)  Baptismal Service (20 May)  Youth End of Year Party (25 May)  Budget Cmte Mtg (6 June)  Kid’s Kamp (11 – 14 June)  Qtrly Business Mtg (13 June)  Ladies’ Prayer Breakfast (23 June)  Vacation Bible School (9-13 July)

Adult II Couples Class

Iva May and Dr. Stan May

Creation: God reveals His goodness through creation and His mercy in response to sin. Patriarchs: God reveals His response to the faithful-ness of men (Job, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph). Exodus: God liberates Israel, and leads them to the Promised Land and shapes them into a nation holy to Himself. Conquest: Joshua, relying on God’s presence and power, leads Israel to possess and settle the Promised Land. Judges: Every man does what is right in his own eyes, and Israel falls into a cycle of disobedience, judgment, oppres- sion and deliverance (the sin cycle).

Israel asks for a king to be “like the peoples” around them. God grants their request first through Saul, son of Kish. Saul loves the praise of men more than the praise of God and be- gins a 40 year reign of disobedience. The LORD raises up David, a man after His own heart. David reigns for 40 years, and while not perfect, is faithful overall. God honors His rule by building Israel into a world power. David is seceded by his son Solomon who fulfills David’s desire to build a temple for the LORD. But in his later years, his heart turns away from God and the kingdom divides.

Context David emerges from a 13 year period of trainingDavid emerges from a 13 year period of training Tending his father’s sheepTending his father’s sheep Serving as a leader in Saul’s armyServing as a leader in Saul’s army In the difficult school of the wilderness fleeing SaulIn the difficult school of the wilderness fleeing Saul Becomes king first of the tribe of Judah, then of all the tribes of IsraelBecomes king first of the tribe of Judah, then of all the tribes of Israel He leads the nation to become an empire from Egypt to the EuphratesHe leads the nation to become an empire from Egypt to the Euphrates

Overview Since the Fall, humans have rejected God’s offer of reconciliation and its required admission of guilt. Ra- ther than take responsibility, the first response is us- ually to blame others. Adam blamed his disobedience on God; Eve blamed the serpent's deception; Aaron blamed Israel for the golden calf; Saul blamed the peo- ple for his disobedience to Samuel’s instruction. David, however, is the first major character in the Bible who refuses to play the blame game. When confronted with his sins, he quickly admits his failures, repents, and seeks God’s forgiveness.

David’s Inauguration as King

David’s Victories as King

David’s Great Failure as King

David’s Great Desire for Forgiveness


 How many fingers and toes did the descendant of Rapha have, whom David’s brother killed?  “Again there was war at Gath, where there was a man of great sta- ture who had twenty-four fingers and toes, six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot…when he taunted Israel, Jonathan the son of Shimea, David’s brother, killed him..” (1 Chron 20:6-7)  What did the Ammonite king Hanun do to David’s emis- saries to humiliate them after suspecting them of spying?  “So Hanun took David’s servants and shaved off half of their beards, and cut off their garments in the middle as far as their buttocks, and sent them away..(2 Sam 10:4)  How much gold was in the crown worn by the king of Rabbah?  “So David…went to Rabbah, fought against it and captured it. Then he took the crown of their king from his head; and its weight was a talent of gold, and in it was a precious stone; and it was placed on David’s head. (2 Samuel 12:29,30)

 What was Solomon’s ‘other’ name?  “Then David comforted his wife…and she gave birth to a son, and he named him Solomon. Now the Lord loved him and sent word through Nathan the prophet, and he named him Jedidiah for the Lord’s sake.” (2 Samuel 12:24,25)

Adult II Couples Class