Quiz on pages
True/False 1.Jesus instituted the Sacrament of Holy Orders when he called together the Twelve Apostles. 2.Jesus conferred upon His Apostles both sacramental powers, and the obligation to heal the sick and raise the dead. 3.Holy Orders is conferred when a bishop lays his hands on the ordinand. 4.A priest acts in the person of St Peter.
True/False 5.The sacramental nature of ecclesial ministry is marked by four characters. 6.Marriage was instituted by God after Adam & Eve sinned. 7.The grace conferred in Holy Matrimony helps each person in the marriage become holy. 8.The Sacrament of Matrimony is a vocation of service.
True/False 9.Marriage is an image (icon, picture) of the covenant between man and nature. 10.In the New Testament Jesus opposed divorce and polygamy, even though God originally did not oppose them in the Old Testament.
Short Answer 11.Why does the Church only ordain men to Holy Orders? 12.List one of the characters of Ecclesial Ministry. 13.What is discernment? 14.List two common sins against marriage. 15.Name the ministers of the Sacrament of Matrimony.
Answers 1.True 2.False 3.True 4.False 5.False 6.False 7.True 8.True 9.False 10.False 11.The Apostles were men; the priest/bishop acts in the person of Christ 12.Service, collegial, personal 13.Period of prayer and reflection in seeking 14.Adultery, fornication, prostitution, homosexual behavior, incest 15.Man and woman who are getting married
Assignment How does the phrase “Hate the sin, love the sinner” apply to the church’s understanding of homosexuality? (3-5 sentences. MLA format) Read pages Workbook 38-40