Your story? Luke 7:36-50 Fact – the woman cried over Jesus’ feet and wiped them with her hair –She was not perfect... Opinion (of Simon the Pharisee) – the woman is a sinner –And will remain so... –Different from us respectable people –To be condemned Opinion (of Jesus) – here is someone needy –Who can change –To be set free
Opinions... Everyone has them – a good way into conversation People love to tell you their opinions! –Let them, before you jump in to talk about yourself –Be praying (aware of God’s presence) for a way to be helpful and bring a little of the Gospel –Form your own opinions based on the Gospel not on what is popular at the time, or being pushed by celebrities, or whatever –But don’t push them – wait for the conversation to develop
Jesus then moves the conversation to feelings... ‘Let me tell you a story, Simon...’ Simon was all ears... –Jesus entered Simon’s world with a story about moneylenders and debtors –How would the person feel? –‘Who would be the most grateful?’
Moves the conversation to the woman’s feelings –Message of hope –Assurance that change is possible –Recognition that she is right with God Simon couldn’t help but review his own feelings and faith –No quick conversion –Antagonism possible but no confrontation sought Effect on others around –‘Who is this?’
Our conversations are part of our ‘beautiful lives’ Easy to talk about facts –Where are you from? –What family have you got? –What’s your health like –Etc Move onto opinions –‘What do you think of...?’ –Do you like...? –Also pretty easy usually –If you disagree, say so, but respectfully – proper conversation
Then onto feelings –THINK how they might be feeling –Don’t be intrusive –Don’t say ‘I know how you feel’ – it’s almost never true –Try to stay with feelings rather then going back to safe facts! THEN, only when they bring it up, be ready with your own story and feelings –May get to this stage quite quickly –Or it may take months of conversations –Don’t be afraid to mention your faith. Most people, like Simon the Pharisee, are all ears
1 Peter 3:15 ‘Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that you have’ ‘But do so with gentleness and respect’ ‘Keeping a clear conscience’ –I.e. what you say is true and authentic! Practice having your story / stories ready, or you will be caught unprepared!
‘I wish I had your belief’ What do you say? One easy thing now is, humbly to say you haven’t got all the answers, but that your Christian faith and being part of a church means a lot to you Say ‘Come with me to Alpha’ and explain a bit about it – invitations available!