3 JOHN /25/ Dealing With Diotrephes
What Is a Diotrephes? 5/25/ A religious dictator A spiritual bully A selfish person A sinner
What Creates A Diotrephes? 5/25/ Christians who give up and leave Christians who avoid controversy at any cost Christians who devoid of spiritual courage Christians who are impatient
What Enables Diotrephes? 5/25/ The weakness of some Christians The fear of some Christians The impatience of some Christians The disunity of some churches
What Defeats Diotrephes? 5/25/ Christians willing to stand up and speak up Christians willing to stand together, united and against evil Christians willing to fight for what is right Christians willing to endure difficulties and turmoil Christians willing to ask God for strength and patience
What Avoids a Diotrephes? 5/25/ A church that loves God more than any man A church that is set upon following the apostles’ doctrine A church that is united A church with strong leadership