Blazars as beamlights to probe the EBL Problem: EBL, emitted SED: both unknown ! Aim: measure n EBL (z) at different redshifts local normalization, cosmic evolution Tools: homogeneous different redshifts one same model (parameters) at all z blazars ( e.g., High-Peaked BLs [HBLs] ) Emission physics: simple one-zone SSC emission synchrotron + compton, PL electron spectrum Nijil Mankuzhiyil (INFN, Udine U.) Massimo Persic (INAF+INFN, Trieste) Fabrizio Tavecchio (INAF, Milano)
One-zone SSC: model parameters : Plasma blob: R, B, j Electron pop: n 0, 1, 2, E br, E min, E max Kino Tavecchio ApJ, 554, 725
Simultaneous multi- obs’s: optical X-rays HE -ray VHE -ray Model SED : use SED w/out (EBL-affected) VHE -ray data : 2 -minimization SSC model ( check structure of multi-D parameter space ) TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT simulated data The method ( 1 )
Extrapolate model SED into VHE regime “intrinsic” blazar VHE emission Observed vs “intrinsic” emission (E,z) Assume (concordance) cosmology n EBL ( ,z j ) (parametric: a nj n ) s i m u l a t e d d a t a …the method ( 2 )
EBL de-absorbed Aharonian ApJ, 696, L150 HESS FERMI R XTE ATOM … assumed electron spectrum is triple -PL … … caveat… Swift Checking the method … locallyPKS z = 0.12 SSC param’s min = 1 br1 = 1.4 10 4 br2 = 2.3 10 5 max = 3 10 6 1 = 1.3 2 = 3.2 3 = 4.3 B = G R = 1.5 cm = 32
data: Aharonian ApJ, 696, L150 … our effort H.E.S.S. Fermi ATOM Swift, RXTE R t 12 hr OK observed SSC parameters from 2 minim. n e =150 cm min = 1 br = 2.9 10 4 max = 8 10 5 1 = 1.8 2 = 3.8 B = G R = 3.87 cm = 29.2
p r e l i m i n a r y
Stecker 1999 z=0.12 p r e l i m i n a r y Stecker & de Jager 1998 Malkan & Stecker 1998
Franceschini z=0.1 z=0.003 z=0.01 z=0.03 z=0.3 z=0.12 p r e l i m i n a r y
(E, ) max by ( for head-on collision ) 2.5 E , TeV m Heitler 1960 (E ,z) = d l /d z x /2 n EBL ( ) ( 2xE /(1+z) 2 ) d d x d z (E, , ) [1 – 2(m e c 2 ) 2 / E (1-cos )] 1/2 0 z z s > 2(m e c 2 ) 2 / [Ex(1+z) 2 ] For EBL photon energies > 2(m e c 2 ) 2 / E (1-cos ) x 1-cos n EBL ( ,z) unknown parameterize n EBL ( n z j ) = a n,j n (E,,)(E,,) Stecker 1971 cosmology Stecker 1999 Optical depth
Conclusion Cons: indirect measurement of EBL method depends on blazar model Pros: unbiased method no assumptions on EBL, blazar SED SSC well tested locally on different emission states Need: simultaneous multi- obs’s of several blazars in shells of z possibly each source different levels of activity ( to increase statistics ) plan simultaneous obs’s involving IACTs + Fermi + X-rays + optical Aim: to probe EBL out to z 1 with Fermi/LAT + current/upcoming enhanced IACTs ( + x-ray, optical tel’s ) ( long live Fermi to see CTA / AGIS !! ) Check: on local (z=0.12) blazar PKS deduced ’s within reasonable range