Communism in the ’s Justina Hausmann David Stern
Soviet Support In 1920 the Soviet Union announced “The Communist Party will carry on agitation among Negro workers to unite them with all class conscious workers.” In 1920 the Soviet Union announced “The Communist Party will carry on agitation among Negro workers to unite them with all class conscious workers.” Promised blacks a freedom they weren’t given otherwise Promised blacks a freedom they weren’t given otherwise Surprisingly it wasn’t as popular as it should have been Surprisingly it wasn’t as popular as it should have been
Connection Pg. 292 “ ‘Why do you fellows always talk in terms of race?’ snapped his eyes blazing. “What other terms do you know?’ I said puzzled.” Pg. 292 “ ‘Why do you fellows always talk in terms of race?’ snapped his eyes blazing. “What other terms do you know?’ I said puzzled.” Blacks thought it was too good to be true Blacks thought it was too good to be true Too alien of a concept Too alien of a concept Communism attempted unsuccessfully to break down the wall of race Communism attempted unsuccessfully to break down the wall of race
Party Success Lovet Whiteman became the first African American to study in Moscow (1924) Lovet Whiteman became the first African American to study in Moscow (1924) Proposed an American Negro Labor Congress to help strengthen the working class. In 1928, Siberian, Charles Nasonor and black American Harry Haywood attempted to resolve the conflict between assimilation and separation with their slogan, “a nation within a nation” Proposed an American Negro Labor Congress to help strengthen the working class. In 1928, Siberian, Charles Nasonor and black American Harry Haywood attempted to resolve the conflict between assimilation and separation with their slogan, “a nation within a nation” Relatively successful, 14,000 registered black communists in America Relatively successful, 14,000 registered black communists in America
Connection Pg. 293 “The difference between individual and organized indignation is the difference between criminal and political action” Pg. 293 “The difference between individual and organized indignation is the difference between criminal and political action” Alone, crime is crime Alone, crime is crime United, crime is a movement United, crime is a movement
Great Depression=Great Success Great Depression gave communism a chance due to low incomes and high unemployment Great Depression gave communism a chance due to low incomes and high unemployment Regardless of color, poor people clung to a hope for economic equality Regardless of color, poor people clung to a hope for economic equality
Connection Pg. 346 “ ‘I feel, I feel suddenly that I have become more human. Do you understand? More human. Not that I have become a man, for I was born a man. But that I am more human…I feel that I have found my new family! My true people! My true country!’” Pg. 346 “ ‘I feel, I feel suddenly that I have become more human. Do you understand? More human. Not that I have become a man, for I was born a man. But that I am more human…I feel that I have found my new family! My true people! My true country!’”
Communism seeks out white subgroups and blacks The Communist Party was to the first to battle and demonstrate against the hunger and unemployment. They constantly fought evictions, supported female equality and defied the social ban on inter racial marriage. The party flourished in ghettos and slums, especially Harlem. Here was a party that seemed to have the goal of the working class citizen in mind and was out in public, being vocal and defiant to white power. The Communist Party was to the first to battle and demonstrate against the hunger and unemployment. They constantly fought evictions, supported female equality and defied the social ban on inter racial marriage. The party flourished in ghettos and slums, especially Harlem. Here was a party that seemed to have the goal of the working class citizen in mind and was out in public, being vocal and defiant to white power. Sought support of: blacks, feminists, unemployed Sought support of: blacks, feminists, unemployed
Connection Pg. 407 “ ‘Why shouldn’t I speak about women or any other subject? Nothing lay outside the scheme of our ideology, there was a policy on everything, and my main concern was to work my way ahead in the movement.’” Pg. 407 “ ‘Why shouldn’t I speak about women or any other subject? Nothing lay outside the scheme of our ideology, there was a policy on everything, and my main concern was to work my way ahead in the movement.’”
Loss of party autonomy In 1945 the National Negro Congress, the International Labor Defense and the National Federation for Constitutional Liberties united to create the Civil Rights Congress lead by Communist William Patterson. In 1945 the National Negro Congress, the International Labor Defense and the National Federation for Constitutional Liberties united to create the Civil Rights Congress lead by Communist William Patterson. With merger, party ideology shifted from focus on economic equality to focus on social equality With merger, party ideology shifted from focus on economic equality to focus on social equality
Propaganda aimed to capture all minorities, blacks fit in well Struggle of the Russian serf mirrors that of the black slave Struggle of the Russian serf mirrors that of the black slave “Peace, land and bread!” The slogan that appealed to the serfs of Eastern Europe sounded pretty good to the “Peace, land and bread!” The slogan that appealed to the serfs of Eastern Europe sounded pretty good to the m/Animated-Soviet- Propaganda- Communism/id/ m/Animated-Soviet- Propaganda- Communism/id/ m/Animated-Soviet- Propaganda- Communism/id/ m/Animated-Soviet- Propaganda- Communism/id/