REV.6:3,4 RED HORSE Of the Apocalypse Power was given to him sitting on the Red Horse, to take peace from the earth and to kill one another Given a Great Sword. Together the “Great Sword” of RED COMMUNISM & ISLAM take peace from the world through JIHAD!! The descendants of Ishmael & the descendants of Esau! 2 nd SEAL “JIHAD” REV.6:3,4 RED HORSE Communism & Islamists This spirit of War, Revolution and BLOOD sitting on this Red Horse of Communism & Islamists of whom their adherents will work together (likeminded) to foment REVOLUTION around the globe to cause the chaos, to which each one thinks it will emerge the winner of filling the vacuum left, will also kill one another!! 2 nd SEAL “JIHAD” REV.6:3,4 It is common knowledge of History that Communist Revolutions and Communism kills tens of thousands of its own (60 million in Red China) people to achieve its political agenda of COMMUNISM!! And just as current times reveal, Muslims kill Muslims continually!! 2 nd SEAL “JIHAD” REV.6:3,4 Just one of the many faces of Islam that want to kill Americans, Christians and Jews and wage HOLY JIHAD!!!! 2 nd SEAL “JIHAD” Rev.6:34 RED HORSE COMMUNISM This red horse rider continues to gallop with his Great Sword of COMMUNISM & War killing and taking peace from the earth!! 2 nd SEAL The Last Days CHART OF THE BOOK of REVELATION & The End of the World! Charting the New World Order 2 nd SEAL Revolutions!! Communists, Socialists etc. & Big Government Worker Unions Communists, Socialists etc. & Big Government Worker Unions from City, State & Federal levels united together have organized Protests and fomenting Revolution with the workers of the world, starting in Tunisia in North Africa bordering the Mediterranean Sea, spreading to Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sudan, etc. 2 nd SEAL Revolutions!! THE AIM WORLD CHAOS!! Out of which the NWO (the Illuminati run One World Government via the UN) will have the answer to!!!!! Iran has its own idea of what will be the result! ISLAM The emergence of the 12 th Imadi who will lead ISLAM via Iran to World Domination!! 2 nd SEAL Revolutions!! It seems as if several movements have their eye on WORLD DOMINATION The Jews Christians Islamists International Capitalists Communists The Vatican Oh, let’s not forget the Anarchists! 2 nd SEAL Revolutions!! International Capitalists Communists The Vatican They WILL WIN!!!CapitalismCommunismCatholicism The New World Order They are The New World Order (Luciferians) All ruled by the Illuminati (Luciferians) 2 nd SEALRevolutions!! They called themselves THE SONS OF LUCIFER THE ILLUMANITI !!THEENDT IMES 1 st 1 st 2 nd HORSE 3rd 2 nd Seal 2 nd Sea l Rev6:3,4 The First 6 Seals Birthpangs LuciferSatan Red Dragon Flag of USSR Former President Birthpangs Of the Seven Seals These believers are concerned more about telling others the truth about what is happening in the world (New World Order Rising) than about their possessing things and their selfish lives! JESUS IS LORDJESUS IS LORD Chart of the Book of Revelation Chart of the Book of Revelation
Matthew 24:6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars. But the end is not yet. Corresponds to 2 nd SEALTHEENDT IMES 1 st 1 st 2 nd HORSE 3rd 2 nd Seal Rev6:3,4 Mat.24:6 Rumors of Wars Rev6:3,4 Birthpangs Rumors of War? World War III Regardless of how it flares back up, as it has never stopped, the US will finally finish the war with ancient Persia (Iraq, Iran, Syria) & Persia will not fare very well as we shall shortly see. But World War III will not be over afterwards, but it will continue for another 2 ½ years afterwards, but not with the United States!! World War III Continues The Last Days CHART OF THE BOOK of REVELATION & The End of the World! Charting the New World Order 2 nd SEAL Matthew 24:6 RED HORSE COMMUNISM This red horse rider continues to gallop with his Great Sword of COMMUNISM & War killing and taking peace from the earth!! Matthew 24:6 The First 6 Seals Birthpangs Of the Seven Seals These believers are watching the wars and rumours of wars all around the world especially in the -Middle East. -They are waiting on the LORD to show them where to go, as it is becoming clear that they must come out of -BABYLON JESUS IS LORDJESUS IS LORD Chart of the Book of Revelation Chart of the Book of Revelation
The Last Days CHART OF THE BOOK of REVELATION & The End of the World! Charting the New World Order 2 nd SEAL Matthew 24:6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars. But the end is not yet. Corresponds to 2 nd SEAL Matthew 24:6 World War III Iran Was actually started when Saddam Hussein attacked Kuwait which resulted in President Bush attacking Iraq (part of Biblical Persia) years later in When Iran enters the war, it will be a continuation of World War III! USA is instigating this already in early 2011 (Fomenting Revolutions in the Middle East) Corresponds to 2 nd SEAL Matthew 24:6 RED HORSE COMMUNISM This red horse rider continues to gallop with his Great Sword of COMMUNISM & War killing and taking peace from the earth!! 2 nd SEALIslamIslamists They’re being set up to be annihilated, and then the NEW WORLD ORDER Have their sights set on Christians Jews Buddhists Hindus And ALL RELIGIONS!! Being Set up Religion They will say that RELIGION(Islam) Started World War III against the rest of the world that doesn’t believe in their religion and that they are responsible for killing millions. Therefore ALL RELIGIONS BAD! Bad!!!THEENDT IMES 1 st 1 st 2 nd HORSE 3rd 2 nd Seal Rev6:3,4 Mat.24:6 Rumors of Wars Rev6:3,4Religion Little Horn All religions will be banned, because the Little Horn (antichrist) will demand he be worshipped as God, just like the Pharaoh's, Caesar's etc. One Good? The First 6 Seals Birthpangs Birthpangs Of the Seven Seals church of Yah land of Judah the church elsewhere -These believers know that the false prophets in the church of Yah have been prophesying falsely concerning the fate of those in the land of Judah, and that of the church elsewhere. Jerusalem visions of peace -“To wit, the prophets of Israel which prophecy concerning Jerusalem, and which see visions of peace for her” Ezek.13:1-23 JESUS IS LORDJESUS IS LORD Chart of the Book of Revelation Chart of the Book of Revelation
The Last Days CHART OF THE BOOK of REVELATION & The End of the World! Charting the New World Order 2 nd SEAL Matthew 24:6 RED HORSE COMMUNISM This red horse rider continues to gallop with his Great Sword of COMMUNISM & War killing and taking peace from the earth!! 2 nd SEALTHEENDT IMES 1 st 1 st 2 nd HORSE 3rd 2 nd Seal Rev6:3,4 Mat.24:6 Rumors of Wars Rev6:3,4 The First 6 Seals Birthpangs Birthpangs Of the Seven Seals These believers are watching the wars and rumours of wars all around the world especially in the -Middle East. World War III Israel -They know that World War III could possibly break out in the Middle East with Israel being right in the middle of it! World War III May 15, 2011 DAY OF RAGE is a date to watch. But before we talk about this DAY OF RAGE planned in Israel by the Palestinians and the militant terrorist group Hamas that is the freely elected ruling party in the Gaza Strip in Israel, let’s remember what the UN wants Israel to do, and what just happened inLIBYA!!! For this will shine much light into the date above. Possible Scenario? World War III occupied territories The United Nations and the Obama administration wants Israel to comply with a previous UN Resolution for Israel to withdraw from the so-called occupied territories that Israel took in the Six-Day War in 1967, in which it crushed the invading Arab armies. Israel has kept these areas for their strategic military defenses mandatory for them to defend Israel.(Those being, the Gaza Strip, Golan Heights, and the West Bank.) Possible Scenario? World War III April 2011 In the land trade for peace, Israel gave up most of the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians, with no peace in exchange. The UN and the US want Israel to finally give the Palestinians their Statehood and share Jerusalem and withdraw to pre 1967 boundaries by the end of April 2011.Those boundaries would mean Israel would give up the Temple Mount and the Western Wailing Wall where daily prayers are held! Possible Scenario? World War III Israel will not give up Jerusalem at this point and will fight against all those who try to make her do so. May 15, 2011 Also on May 15, 2011, (postponed to June 29 th ) a flotilla of ships are planned to leave Turkey, escorted by Iranian warships that went up through the Suez Canal only days after Pres. Mubark was dethroned in Egypt up to Syria, which is just below Turkey, and travel down to the Gaza Strip in Israel, where Israel has an Possible Scenario? JESUS IS LORDJESUS IS LORD Chart of the Book of Revelation Chart of the Book of Revelation World War III Embargo on all ships going into that area, to check them to see if they are carrying arms for the Palestinians to terrorize Israel! The flotilla that left Turkey last June left six one ship dead after confronted by Israeli military to search it. This is a most dangerous situation, that could lead to World War III. No one is on the side of Israel, including the current US administration. Possible Scenario?