Karl Marx “All that is solid melts into air” “From each according to his ability; to each according to his need” “Workers of the world unite!” “Last words are for fools who haven't said enough” “The rich will do anything for the poor but get off their backs”
Capitalism vs. Communism CapitalismCommunism Definition:Economic system in which individuals rather than governments control the ‘factors of production’. Communism is offered as an alternative to the Capitalist society class system- which is based on wealth. Capitalist greed is blamed for people’s suffering. “means of production” (factories, equipment, supplies) is owned by: Owned by individuals who invested their own money and used their own ideas. Owned by the government Goal:Goal of a capitalist society: PROFIT, owners invest to make a profit and it is profit that motivates individual workers. Goal of a communist society: EQUALITY, a classless society of shared wealth.
Building the Communist Soviet Union Stalin verses Trotsky Trostky: a leader during the revolution and civil war, scholar of Marxism. ○ He wanted to spread the communism Stalin: politically cunning, gets leadership position under Lenin ○ Wanted to focus on Russia
Government of the Soviet Union Synthesizing Information Activity Constitution of the Soviet Republic The Soviet Union Under Stalin Experience of a Gulag (prison camp)
Stalin’s 5-year Plans Command Economy: government officials made all basic economic decisions. Build of Industry Results? Revolution in Agriculture Collectives: large farms owned and operated by peasants as a group Results? Synthesizing Information Activity ○ Collectivization
Promoting Collectivization This poster promotes mechanization of agriculture on large collective farms. Peasants were urged to work in brigades, as in industry, to increase productivity. The poster visualizes an ideal of disciplined workers in ordered fertile fields. The robust figures give no hint of the actual crop failures and famine in that resulted from forced collectivization.
Life in a Totalitarian State Totalitarianism: a one-party dictatorship attempts to regulate every aspect of the lives of its citizens Controlled through: Terror Propaganda Communist Ideology replaces religion
Communist Dictatorship in the Soviet Union PoliticalEconomicSocialCulturalMilitary -One Party only -Dictatorship with absolute power -Cult of the Dictator -Government makes all decisions -Controls industry, sets prices and provides for production -Collectivization of agriculture -No private ownership of property -Attempt to regulate every aspect of life -Propaganda for social control -Extreme nationalism -Atheism official policy -Art serves government goals -Conformity of style (Soviet realism) -Censorship -Secret police -Use of torture, exile, and death -Army used to enforce will of the state
Life Under Stalin Primary Sources One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich or Odin den’ Ivana Denisovicha "Apart from sleep, the only time a prisoner lives for himself is ten minutes in the morning at breakfast, five minutes over dinner, and five at supper.“ I. V. Stalin, Problems of Leninism Now we are able to carry on a determined offensive against the kulaks, to break their resistance, to eliminate them as a class and substitute for their output the output of the collective farms and state farms. There is another question which seems no less ridiculous: whether the kulaks should be permitted to join the collective farms. Of course not, for they are sworn enemies of the collective-farm movement...
Task: Create a Political Cartoon or Propaganda Characteristics of a political cartoon: Expresses an opinion Uses humor or satire Often includes a title/caption or labels Usually uses symbolism Characteristics of Propaganda: Extreme Nationalism Supports government policies Promotes or damages a cause/idea Topics for Political Cartoons: The results of Stalin’s five year plans The Great Purge The Communists’ criticism of capitalism despite communism’s lack of success Topics for Propaganda Poster: Communist successes and the evils of Capitalism Collectivization Industrial gains o Create a political cartoon to illustrate a problem in the Soviet Government under Lenin or Stalin OR o Create a piece of Soviet Propaganda that promotes the Soviet Government/Communism
Task: History Through Literature One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Answer the Questions that follow on a separate sheet of paper.