Global Communism Global Feminism Odds and Ends
Internationalism Communism was a global phenomenon They were antinationalist Some western countries even had communist parties that ran candidates for election Despite this, communist countries began to act like typical states and conflicts broke out between communist countries as well
Communist feminism USSR: enacted reforms= full citizenship, equal rights, better access to divorce/abortion Zhenotdel= Soviet Women’s Department ( ) Organized and educated Encouraged public and professional roles Male party members resented this and Stalin closed the organization in ‘30
Communist feminism CCP= “Women can do anything” Reforms: 1950 Marriage Law (direct attack on Confucian patriarchy) Party got more women to play an active role outside the home The slogan above urged women to pursue all professions ****despite some major gains, the family structure wasn’t reformed much and often both Soviet and Chinese women had a double burden
Feminism and the West Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex, 1949 French philosopher-restarted movement which had died down after the vote Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique, 1963 American author--called attention to middle-class women who felt unfulfilled Women’s Liberation, more radical movement protested symbols, rituals and practices of patriarchy (beauty pageants and products) --women are not merely sex objects
Women of Color and feminism For many women of color, especially those living in poverty felt this mainstream debate was within a white family and did not speak to their concerns of race/class in addition to gender Feminists from Global South criticized Western feminism as a product of its culture ==too focused on individualism and sexuality not on cultural identity, motherhood,and material issues of poverty ---many of these Global South women were part of groups with other issues such as against repressive dictatorships
International feminism “Women’s rights are human rights” UN convention to eliminate discrimination against women, 2006 There remain many divisions within the movement related to issues of religion and culture also a reactionary backlash in certain areas