1 Update from Version 1 draft-dong-pwe3-mspw-oam-02.txt Yang
2 OAM capability Negotiation V1: Require 3 bit in CV Type Indicator field for MS-OAM 0x01 ICMP Ping (predefined in [VCCV]) 0x02 LSP Ping (predefined in [VCCV]) 0x04 BFD for PW Fault Detection only (predefined in [VCCV]) 0x08 BFD for PW Fault Detection and AC/PW Fault Status Signaling (predefined in [VCCV]) 0x10 FDI 0x20 SEG OAM 0x40 E2E OAM Problems: The length of the field is 8 bit, which limit the number of OAM capability indication. V2: Reserve only 1 bit in CV type for MS-OAM. We suggest adding a new TLV indicating the OAM functions such as connectivity monitoring, fault notification and performance monitoring.
3 Fault Notification V2: PW OAM should be detached from control plane. Add fault notification (FDI/RDI) functions and message format. Use 1 unused bit in CW to indicate the fault notification traffic. It’s suggested to add fault notification functions in BFD.
4 Misconnection Detecting Misconnection is really unacceptable for customers. In this example customer X’s traffic is miss connected to customer Y in the intermediate SPE. TPE_A SPE TPE_B TPE_C Customer_X Customer_Y V2: Add misconnect detecting function; Define a new OAM PDU
5 Next Step… Performance Monitoring
6 Thank you! Your suggestions and/or comments are appreciated!
7 Backup slides
8 Why we need MS-OAM A MS-PW will transit through multiple networks or domains. If the PW experience failure or performance degrade, we must know which network/domain cause the problem. TPE_A TPE_B SPE_1SPE_2
9 What are the differences? MS-OAMSS-OAM Continuity, RDI 2-LevelsSingle Level FDI misconnect detecting
10 Two OAM Levels in MS-OAM E2E Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment TPE_A TPE_B SPE_1SPE_2 MS-OAM provides E2E level and Segment level. Each level has its own functions and traffic.
11 How to Encode Level Indicator Extend three OAM channels defined in [VCCV]: 1.Control Word Reserve one bit in CW. 0: Segment Level; 1: E2E Level 2.Router Alert With this method, the E2E packets have to be processed at every intermediate node which will consume more resource, making this method not a preferred one. 3.TTL Expiry Set the TTL value to the number of the hops/segments. But sometime it’s hard to get the detail of the hop info if the PW transmit across providers’ network.
12 Why we need FDI Fast Protection: The router which detect the fault first will send FDI to the far end the MS-PW which may initiate protection switching processing immediately. Alarm Suppression: Eliminate duplicate alarms. E2E Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3 FDI Segment TPE_A TPE_B SPE_1SPE_2
13 How to support FDI functions? There are two protocols used for PW-OAM: 1.LSP Ping 2.BFD None of them supports FDI. The method for sending FDI is described by draft- dong-pwe3-mspw-oam-02.txt. We think it’s necessary to add this functions in BFD and other OAM protocols used for PWE3.
14 How to transmit RDI in MS-PW? In SS-PW, remote defect indication is sent via PW status TLV in control plane. In MS-PW, control plane may not exist. Under this circumstance, the remote defect indication can be sent via data plane. The method for sending RDI is described by draft- dong-pwe3-mspw-oam-02.txt. We think it’s necessary to add this functions in BFD and other OAM protocols used for PWE3.
15 What’s misconnection? In this example customer X’s traffic is miss connected to customer Y in the intermediate SPE. TPE_A SPE TPE_B TPE_C Customer_X Customer_Y
16 How to detect misconnection? If the T-PE in the source end could send an OAM packet with its identifier to the sink end, misconnection could be detected. A new OAM PDU is defined for misconnection detecting in draft-dong-pwe3-mspw-oam-02.txt.