FDI in Services in SADC: Key Issues for Regional Integration Trudi Hartzenberg June 2005 Regional Integration Workshop Windhoek
2 Introduction FDI Performance in SADC: What does the data say? What influences FDI location decisions in SADC? Key FDI developments in SADC FDI in services in SADC FDI and Regional Integration Conclusions
3 FDI Performance in SADC Slight slowdown in early 2000s after significant increase in late 1990s Angola and South Africa key destinations (cautionary notes) Industry focus Primary sectors – oil and gas (Angola): resource seeking Manufacturing – clothing and textiles: trade preference driven (Lesotho, Botswana, Namibia, Swaziland) Services – diverse locations (telecoms, banking) – South African investment in the region potential links between banking and mobile telephony New MNCs in the Region - South African firms
4 What influences FDI location decisions in SADC Trade Preferences (AGOA – Lesotho, Namibia..) Technology-induced opportunities (telecoms, IT industries) Consumer demand growth (retail chains) Econ and social stability Large & expanding mkts Low & stable interest rates and inflation Effective competition policy Low business transaction costs Human capital and skills (modern & diverse) Low cost infrastructure Free trade and forex regimes
5 FDI in Services Key industry focus (telecoms, banking, tourism) Role of domestic regulatory reform Privatisation Public-private ownership Market outcomes Case Studies Telecoms: MTN Group (mobile telephony) Banking: Standard Bank Group (M&A), Barcalys/ABSA deal in South Africa Tourism, mining and related
6 FDI and Regional Integration What kind of FDI promotes regional integration? Trade and investment linkages in the region (cautionary note – lack of backward linkages in host country) Domestic regulatory reform and FDI Producer services, FDI and regional integration – regional commodity chains and business transaction costs Mega Projects and Corridors Small-scale/informal FDI – farmers, tourism infrastructure, consumer or personal services (hairdressing etc), language related, catering Beyond South African FDI in the region
7 Conclusions FDI matters Links between infrastructure-related FDI and private FDI (CORRIDORS) Focus on services South Africa in the region (MNCs) Trade-investment linkages Smaller-scale cross-border FDI