TERCO - European Territorial Cooperation as a Factor of Growth, Jobs and Quality of Life Workshop 4: Development of urban regions in Europe: Key drivers and perspectives 13th June 2012, Aalborg Department of Planning and Regional Developement University of Thessaly, School of EngineeringUniversity of Thessaly
Key objectives of TERCO TA2020: “Co-operation is key to fostering smart, inclusive and sustainable growth and territorial cohesion in the EU” to estimate the impact that various types of territorial cooperation has on socio-economic development; to assess the adequacy of existing territorial cooperation domains and areas; to identify key determinants of successful territorial cooperation; and to establish good practices of governance for successful territorial cooperation.
Analysed co-operation among twinning cities as one type of territorial co-operation Created unique pan-European database on twinning city networking from internet sources (Wikipedia - city web sites) Carried out Network Analyses of intensity and degree of twining city cooperation Carried out Case Studies to find out: substance behind city-twinning co- operation importance of twinning co-operation for development, international flows determinants/drivers of city twinning co- operation Future desired domains for city- twinning co-operation TERCO links with urban development Main TYPES of Territorial Co-operation analysed in TERCO Twinning City Cross-border (incl. Interreg A) Transnational (incl. Interreg B) Interregional (incl. Interreg C) Trans-continentalOther Source: Adam Płoszaj
Results: network of twinning cities within ESPON area Territorial Agenda 2020: “The cooperation and networking of cities could contribute to smart development of city regions at varying scales in the long run” Source: Adam Płoszaj
Results: network of twinning cities beyond ESPON area Source: Adam Płoszaj
Results: How much substance is in twinning city networking? Source: Electronic survey
Results: Impact of twin city co-operation on development Source: Electronic survey
Results: Key determinants of co-operation PROXIMITY – co-operation with the neighbours LANGUAGE and CULTURE – similarities HISTORIAC LINKS – co-operation initiated in the past Source: Adam Płoszaj
Themes which will gain more interest in twinning city co-operation are: cultural events, tourism, educational exchange, economic co-operation Themes which are loosing popularity: infrastructure, risk prevention, spatial planning Future themes of twinning city co-operation Source: Electronic survey
The direct impact of city co-operation on development is rather small however.. intermediate impact of city co-operation on development is significant through its contribution to: institutional capacity building, professionalization of staff (incl. language competences), exchange of experience, circulation of innovative ideas and strategies, etc. Cities located in EU peripheral regions are more willing to co-operate Big cities are leading in twin city co-operation Future co-operation within twining cities will focus on: culture, tourism, educational exchange and economic co-operation Transcontinental co-operation tackles important issues (emigration, compatibility of social systems – health, insurance, etc.) TERCO Experience on urban development driven by co-operation
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