How to Enhance the Innovation Capability in New Member States? PhDr. Miroslava Kopicová National Training Fund European Innovating Minds, Brussels, 2009
Innovation capacity in NMS European Innovating Minds Brussels, 2009 Diversity in innovation capacity – diversity in innovation performance benchmarking. Policy has to address the specific demands of local environments, firms and research institutions. Complementary policies - innovation policy + structural reforms + policies such as competition, higher education, labour market flexibility + financial market development.
Country clusters European Innovating Minds Brussels, 2009 Technology users and technology producers, based on the direct and indirect domestic and foreign share of R&D in GDP. Source: OECD ANBERD, EUROSTAT/OECD Input Output tables. WIFO calculations based on NIFU-STEP calculations.
Reconsider balance between funding excellence and relevance in RD European Innovating Minds Brussels, 2009 RD funding systems - openness and excellence x ensuring industrial and social relevance. Link research capacities with firm level demand In the public sector to build up applied research capacities and capacities for supporting technology absorption
Improve the educational system at all levels European Innovating Minds Brussels, 2009 Quality of education. Support creativity. Reconcile quality and equity of education. High quality life-long learning activities across society and industries.
Evaluate the use and design of the Structural Funds European Innovating Minds Brussels, 2009 Structural Funds in NMS Substitute for national funding of innovation. Quick absorption instead effective use of funds. Cumbersome procedures. Re-evaluation Strong linkages to public research systems and FDI Re-design the instrument
Explore policy avenues for integrating FDI and innovation policy European Innovating Minds Brussels, 2009 Foreign investors have played a key role in the economic growth acceleration and in formation of industry and export specializations. In the further development stage they are to play a role in the transition to knowledge based economy. How to attract and motivate the innovation based FDIs inflows or reinvestments?
Spur innovation and R&D through demand policies European Innovating Minds Brussels, 2009 Limited local market and weak demand for R&D and innovation. Strategic vision. Incentives for the modernisation of industry. Public procurement.
Invest in strategic intelligence and administrative capacity European Innovating Minds Brussels, 2009 The capacity of NMS to formulate, evaluate and implement innovation policy is very low. Improve policy evaluation, policy analysis and policy making capability Systematic training.
Research that will develop country differentiated approach in innovation and growth policy European Innovating Minds Brussels, 2009 Creation of much better science base. Develop indicators Evidence based policy
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION PhDr. Miroslava Kopicová National Training Fund European Innovating Minds Brussels, 2009