Clare Foster Head CEIAG Making Your Choices 5 th March 2013
What You Need to Know to Make Your Choices Changes in the NI economy. Future employment opportunities Skills employers want. Where can you access information? Working together to meet the challenge.
Programme for Government Priority No 1: Growing the Economy Increase Exports Invest in Innovation & R&D Invest in Skills Increase Job Numbers and Job Quality
NI better off than a decade ago – but it will still take time to recover fully Future Prospects
Challenges – but opportunities too Local economic conditions remain challenging But real opportunities for growth if we can succeed in export markets Some very clear messages about current and future skill needs. Important that Labour Market Information harnessed and used to help people shape career decisions But other factors important too including employer engagement/ Career attractiveness agenda Having the right skills and qualifications in the right areas is critical to drive future success
Where will the Future Employment Opportunities be?
Some of our Recent Investors
Other Key Sectors.... Advanced Materials and Engineering (aerospace, electrical, electronics, automotive, renewables) Agrifood Life & Health Sciences Tourism/Leisure New emphasis on languages (Global market place)
JobsAreas 501IT Development, Back Office Admin, LPO - Legal 106Marketing 317HR, Finance, LPO - Legal 359FS IT Development, Service Delivery, Project Management 90FS IT Development, Project Management 242R&D Product Development, Sales, Marketing 45HR Consulting, Risk and Actuarial – Pensions management 50IT Development 104IT Development, Product development, Engineering 85IT Development, Project Management 297Call Centre, Customer service and Management 109IT Development, Product development, Sales 130R&D Product Development, Engineering 102Legal Recent Projects In the last 10 years 78% of new FDI jobs have been in business & financial services and software
Skills employers want Highly skilled and well educated people is consistently cited as the most important reason for international investment in NI
Skills Shortages Skills Gaps/Skills Shortages exist in NI Employers in range of engineering disciplines (electrical, chemical) have cited difficulties in securing staff in NI Estimated that there are 400 unfilled software development vacancies in NI
Skills Pressures War on Talent....worldwide demand for software engineers Not just academic ability – employability skills (interpersonal/ communication etc) are vital Yet, there is a large oversupply in other areas
Where can I Access Information to Help in the Decision Making Process?
Working together to meet the challenge Align Interests Ambition Awareness