Ali Rıza ÇAM Reporter Judge in Ministry of Justice, Turkey Republic of Turkey Ministry of Justice TURKISH JUDICIAL SYSTEM
According to Turkish Constitution article 2 : “Turkey is a democratic, secular and social state based on rule of law” The principle of separation of powers exist in Turkey. In line with, this principle, judicial power is exercised by the independent courts on behalf of Turkish nation. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Justice Some facts and figures on Turkish Justice System
INDEPENDENCE OF JUDICIARY Judges are independent in discharging their duties. No organ, authority, office or individual may send them circulars, or make recommendations or suggestions. Legislative and executive organs and the administration shall comply with court decisions
Guarantees of Judges and Public Prosecutors Judges and prosecutors; shall not be dismissed, or retired before the age prescribed by the Constitution; nor shall they be deprived of their salaries, allowances or other rights relating to their status
FUNCTIONS OF THE HIGH COUNCIL Admission of judges and public prosecutors into the profession, appointments, transfers to other posts, the delegation of temporary powers, promotion and allocation of posts, decisions concerning those whose continuation in the profession is found to be unsuitable, the imposition of disciplinary sanction and removal from office
Civil Jurisdiction Administrative Jurisdiction Constitutional Jurisdiction HIGH LEVEL COURTHOUSES Constitutional Court Court of Cassation Council of State 1. Court System Republic of Turkey Ministry of Justice
Court of Cassation (Appeal) Criminal Departments Civil Departments Republic of Turkey Ministry of Justice
Republic of Turkey Ministry of Justice
MILITARY COURTS Military justice is exercised by military courts and disciplinary courts. These courts have jurisdiction to try military personnel for military offences, for offences committed by them against other military personnel or in military places, or for offences connected with military service and duties. (Article 145 of the Constitution)
Specialised Courts Commercial C. Labour C. Maritime C. Land Registry C. Family C. Consumer C. Juvenile C. Enforcement C. Traffic C.
COUNCIL Of STATE Republic of Turkey Ministry of Justice 1.Council of the state consists of twelve departments: 1. Department’s task is consultancy 2. Department’s task is assize of the officers 2.Other ten departments task is appeal on administrative and tax cases
Administrative Courts (Regional) of Appeal Administrative CourtsTax Courts COUNCIL Of STATE Republic of Turkey Ministry of Justice
Number of the Judges and Prosecutors High Criminal Courts Centres134 Courthouses587 Judges6.199 Public prosecutors4.114 Administrative judges1.259 Personnel Forensic Medicine Units63 Penitentiary and Detention Houses375
The Annual Number of Case in Turkey Presecution Files Criminal Cases Civil Lawcases Administrative Cases Enforcement Cases All judiciary processes, case management, trials, correspondence and transactions were transmitted into the electronic environment which enables paperless office structure.