ENJOY learning with the ESPEN-Leonardo da Vinci Life-Long learning programme TIME to REGISTER: now !
Director: Rémy Meier MD Co Directors: Simon Allison MD Regina Komsa PhD ESPEN-Leonardo da Vinci- Life Long Learning Program: Continuing Education in Nutrition
Introduction ESPEN-Leonardo da Vinci LL program is a comprehensive educational program at the European level with different modules
Aim To develop methodologies for life long education to receive a Nutrition Certification within three yearsTo develop methodologies for life long education to receive a Nutrition Certification within three years Based on a module system using theBased on a module system using the Internet and live sessions Internet and live sessions
CREDITS WEB-based Modules (>100 different topics (basic & clinical) - Free access - LIVE Courses 24 topics during 5 yearly congress - MDs only - Information Inscription EXAMINATION European certificate in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism Course Director / Co-directors: Validation ESPEN-LLL: Continuing Education in Nutrition ESPEN Blue Book ESPEN guidelines
ESPEN-LLL: Continuing Education in Nutrition For certifications “Only MDs”For certifications “Only MDs” Self assessment questionnaire for modules from the webSelf assessment questionnaire for modules from the web EU-ESPEN examination for validation of a EU-ESPEN certificate in clinical nutritionEU-ESPEN examination for validation of a EU-ESPEN certificate in clinical nutrition Teach the Teachers in addition available for individual countriesTeach the Teachers in addition available for individual countries
Educational program 35 Topics35 Topics 105 modules105 modules Web site new modules will regularely be added Live course 8 modules in Istanbul Time frame in 3-4 years full program
Web modules 105 web-based modules will be available in the next 3-4 years in the next 3-4 years The web-based program is freely accessible The web-based program is freely accessible through Internet, providing a worldwide opportunity through Internet, providing a worldwide opportunity for distance training in nutrition for distance training in nutrition On-line registration is required On-line registration is required Each web-module has a nominative Each web-module has a nominative self-assessment questionaire which allows self-assessment questionaire which allows physicians to obtain credits physicians to obtain credits
Web site structure Content points Key messages Learning objectives Content - Text - Figures - Test - Clinical case Aligning links and references –PDF articles –Book chapters –Reviews –Web sites –Live module slides
Live courses The modules forlive courses will be on The modules for the live courses will be on the ESPEN-Website before the congress the ESPEN-Website before the congress The preparative modules are free of chargeThe preparative modules are free of charge but registration is mandatory but registration is mandatory (LLL-Nutrition website) (LLL-Nutrition website) A small registration fee will be charged A small registration fee will be charged for the live courses for the live courses
Pre-requisites to register to live courses 1. Students LLL registered (free on internet) Pass test of web course, uploaded learning material Priority given to candidates with recommendations (PEN)
Pre-requisites to register-live courses 2. PEN teachers Recommended by PEN Priority given to geography
During the ESPEN congress in Istanbul (18.–21.October 2006)During the ESPEN congress in Istanbul (18.–21.October 2006) 8 live courses in English and8 live courses in English and 3 live courses in Turkish will be given3 live courses in Turkish will be given
Nutritional Support in the Perioperative Period (Chair: O. Ljungqvist) Wednesday, 18. October Approach to Oral and Enteral Nutrition (Chair: M. Pirlich) Wednesday 18. October Nutritional Assessment and Techniques (Turkish language) Wednesday 18. October Nutritional Support in Intensive Care Patients (Chair: J.C. Preiser) Wednesday 18. October Nutritional Support in Cancer Patients (Chair: K. Fearon) Wednesday 18. October Nutritional Support in Intensive Care Patients (Turkish language) Wednesday 18. October The live courses will cover The live courses will cover:
Home Parenteral Nutrition in Adult Patients (Chair: A. Van Gossum) Thursday 19. October Nutrition in Metabolic Syndrome (Chair: M. Leon Sanz) Thursday 19. October Nutritional Support in the Perioperative Period ( Turkish language) Thursday 19. October Nutritional Assessment and Techniques ( Chair: Y. Berner) Thursday 19. October Nutritional Support in Elderly Patients ( Chair: S.M. Schneider) Thursday 19. October
Live courses: Participants Number: max MDs, active participant 2. PEN teachers: MDs, observers (ESPEN faculty) no more than 8 (ESPEN faculty) no more than 8 3. Dietitians, Nurses, Pharmacists no more than 10% no more than 10%
Live courses Duration: 4 hours The live courses consists: 3-4 lectures Case reviews Multiple choice examination General discussion including exam Each participant receives: ESPEN Clinical Nutrition Blue Book Course material (All Powerpoint presentation) ESPEN -LLL module catalogue ESPEN LLL certificate (credit) List of all participants
Registration for Istanbul Online secure registration by the internetnline secure registration
Costs for live courses - ESPEN member: 1 course = € 30 2 courses= € 60 3 or 4 courses = € 90 - Non-ESPEN member: 1 course= €100 2 courses= €150 3 or 4 courses= € 180 Save costs by being a ESPEN-member