State Planning Organization Internship Programme in UVER State Planning Organization DG Regional Development and Structural Adjustment Department of Monitoring and Evaluation 5-16 November 2007 Zeynep ERSAYIN Volkan İdris SARI
State Planning Organization Content Definition of monitoring Overview of major studies in Monitoring and Evaluation Department of SPO Internship Subjects Perspectives
State Planning Organization Definition of monitoring (parallel approach) Monitoring can be defined as collection, analysis and use of information for the purpose of management and decision- making systematically. Monitoring tracks the actual performance or situation against what was planned or expected according to pre-determined targets (CMM, 2006) Continuous function that uses the systematic collection of data on specified indicators to provide management and stakeholders of an ongoing intervention with indicators of the extent of progress and achievement of objectives and progress in the use of allocated funds (OECD, 2002)
State Planning Organization Regional Programme Implementations and RDAs İzmir Çukurova
State Planning Organization Overview of major studies in M&E Dep. of SPO Ongoing studies: Design and coordination of the monitoring system for EU Regional Development Programmes (RDPs) Establishment of monitoring and coordination of the monitoring system for RDAs Design of the monitoring system for Public Investments (small-scale, local) Contribution to design of the monitoring system for National Development Plan (large-scale, national) Future studies: Effectiveness evaluation at project level Common monitoring system: programmes designed, implemented and monitored at regional and local level. Review of the project fiche to incorporate future plan Forecasting system and database integration
State Planning Organization Internship Subjects Data Collection Data Integration Monitoring and Information System Project Fiche Data Anaysis Project Monitoring and Reporting Verification of Public Investments Data Interpretation Benchmarking and Ranking Effectiveness Evaluation
State Planning Organization Data Collection Italian caseTurkish caseOpportunities Data collected from four main different DBs (APQ, Monit, AVCP, Public tenders) Importance of the data quality New DB for the Public Investment Projects No effective monitoring system for public investments For EU programmes, monitoring system based on declaration and validation SPO is extending this system for public interventions Italian experience can be “the good example” for the development of Turkish system Standardized data collection and systematic data analysis
State Planning Organization Data Integration Italian caseTurkish caseOpportunities Integration of data collected at project level and tender database Relevant data collected from different actors for further analysis Statistical tools and definition of unique key field Textual analysis of project titles M&E Department intends to integrate data at central, regional and local levels Tender DB is maintained by Public Procurement Institution No integration yet Integration of the different DBs increases the quality, variety and reliability of the analysis
State Planning Organization Monitoring Information System Italian caseTurkish caseOpportunities EU Funds APQ Effectiveness Evaluation Completamenti Integration of systems Not functional for public investments yet Common monitoring system for EU RDPs MIS for KÖYDES (Village infrastructure) System design for monitoring of Public Investment System for Project proposal launched System for provincial projects designed System design for public investments ongoing Importance of the integrated MIS
State Planning Organization Project Fiche Sec.Italian caseTurkish caseDifferences 1Project Details New fields can be added 2 Time scale Planning stages, other approval stages, other activities, Implementation stages -Will be incorporated 3Economic planExpenditures Future perspective will be incorporated 4Financial plan Availability of data on sources of funds 5 Accounting data Liabilities, Payments, Savings -Will be considered 6TargetsIndicatorsSimilar 7Other information 8Problems and needs
State Planning Organization Data Analysis Italian caseTurkish caseOpportunities Several types of analysis made by UVER Promotion of different aspects of projects and programmes at different levels Territorial analysis and spatial interactions Short-run: this kind of studies can be applied to EU RDPs within the limits of available data and procedures Long-run: Can be applied in Turkey only after developing a sound data collection and monitoring system for public investments Integrating different DBs and using other source of data enable the monitoring and evaluation unit: to understand past behaviors of the system to produce analyses for identifying problems and needs in current situation to promote possible future interventions
State Planning Organization Project Monitoring and Reporting Italian caseTurkish caseOpportunities Continuous data collection with project fiche (core data of the system) Low quality problem in early stages of the system DPS more focused on data collection and procedures Monitoring has to have financial outputs Project reporting without IS, on paper for public investment New system is on progress Lessons learnt in EU Programmes (KÖYDES, Provincial investments) Similar data quality problems Discussions on monitoring of the Annual Investment Plan Review of the project fiche During discussion M&E Department is designing data collection and monitoring mechanisms An asset for the design process
State Planning Organization Verification of Public Investments Italian caseTurkish caseOpportunities Two-level control in the verification of the public investments Every single programme under EU funds has MA, CA and AA. UVER is an AA for some of the National Operational Programmes Different management structure of the EU funds in Turkey For grants: first level of control - PIUs and CFCU Overall control: Treasury Auditors Ex-ante approval: ECD For other tenders: verification and auditing procedures are similar to Italian case For the Instrument for Pre-Accession , verification procedures will be very similar with Member states
State Planning Organization Data Interpretation Italian caseTurkish caseOpportunities Forecasting system Early-warning system Data interpretations are limited to current data collections Not allowing forecasting For EU programmes, because of the nature of the system there are no need for forecasting Short-run: forecasting for the DAs projects
State Planning Organization Benchmarking and Ranking Italian caseTurkish caseOpportunities Producing inputs to decision makers for the evaluation of the public administration According to developments in methodology, the analysis will be carried out periodically within the limits of data sets Rating of the administrations Three group of areas for the ranking: critical one is institutional contest New concept was developed with strategic planning perspective for the evaluation of the public bodies There is no specific analysis on the project implementation performance of the administrations Partnership between different institutions during data collection
State Planning Organization Effectiveness Evaluation Italian caseTurkish caseOpportunities Based on outcomes and results of the projects by Eff. Area of UVER Integrated information system for monitoring and evaluation Positive and negative assessment Problems in performance indicators and baseline analysis Differences between EU and national evaluation perspective No ex-post evaluation for the completed projects under investment plans Final evaluation of the EU RDPs will be carried out Similar problems in baseline analysis and selection of performance indicators Project- and programme-level approaches to the evaluation Performance indicators can be shared Future studies can be focused on this specific issue
State Planning Organization Perspectives Presentation of project work in “Final Conference” Dissemination of internship experiences within SPO Setup of a contact list of participants for exchange Definition of a project fiche for future collaboration between SPO and DPS
State Planning Organization GRAZIE PER TUTTO... ARRIVEDERCI… Zeynep ERSAYIN – Volkan İdris SARI –