Ministry of National Education – in 1924 The compulsory education = 8 YEARS Ages 6-14 Total students around 15 MILLIONS
Preschool Education Age range 3-5 Not compulsory
Basic Education Age years Compulsory Free in public schools
Secondary Education Encloses general, vocational and technical educational institutions aims to prepare the students, in line with their interests and talents, for institutions of higher education 4 years not compulsory Free in public schools
Special Education * Aims to integrate the individuals with special needs into the community and help them to acquaire occupational skills.
Private Education Enclose any kind and level of private schools private courses private vocational courses special motor vehicle drivers’ courses private tutoring centers under the MoNE supervision and inspection
Higher Education Encloses all the educational institutions giving min. two years of higher education based on secondary education
Who am I? From Oludeniz/Fethiye/Turkey Teacher Trainer ICT Co-ordinator of Fethiye responsible for any kind of ICT activities for teacher training all IT classes in public schools preparation of reports for the MoNE