Love & Hate Analyzing the portrayal of the Turkish military’s interaction with the EU in Turkey’s print media.
Constructing the hypothesis Democratization Theory –“The purpose of the military is to defend society, not define it.” »Richard E. Kohn Sociological Positivism –“Positivism is the view that serious scientific inquiry should not search for ultimate causes deriving from outside source but must confine itself to the study of relations existing between facts which are directly accessible to observation.” »Edmund Leach Content Analysis –“Who says what, to whom, why, to what extent and with what effect?” »Harold Lasswell
Hypothesis Democratization process should trigger a change of the military’s role in Turkish politics. –Externally influenced –Change
Collecting the Data: Content Analysis Qualitative –“Different people should code the same text in the same way.” »Robert Philip Weber Quantitative –Measuring Kemalism through word frequencies.
The problem: Turkish print media “...a newspaper’s main product is neither news nor information but influence.” –only 7.3 % are actual readers of any newspaper Corruption Report (March 2001) by TESEV –teachers79 % –soldiers64 % –journalists27 % –politicians10 % Freedom of the Press Report 2005 (Freedom House) –“…media groups could become a bigger obstacle to press freedom than the state.”
The nature of Turkish democratization Not checking societal perceptions –Turkey’s experience with democracy has never been a grass roots event. Elite influence Nick Ludington article Cumhuriyet (The Republic) Zaman (Time) Özgür Gündem (Free Agenda) Radikal (The Radical)
What will the results tell? If the military is retreating from politics... –future place? If the military is conserving its position or even advancing it… –Turkey’s membership bid? –Turkish media as a democratic tool?
Four threats to this thesis Argument Academic Material Data Myself