Virtual Reality in the sec. XVII Sérgio Leal Creating Dynamic Visualizations and Animations Institute of Computer Graphics and Vision TU-Graz 2002/2003
Absentation The Turk and Ottomans tribes constantly invade Europe, capturing the population, making them slaves and pillaging everything. Austria and Poland were always attacked.
Interdiction A treaty of mutual help was signed between Austria and Poland. The Turkish wanted to invade Vienna once again and after that conquer Poland. Poland needed to help Austria but there was the eminent danger of invasion by Ottoman forces
Violation Jan Sobieski, King of Poland, went to war against the Turkish He warns the Ottoman that if they try to invade Poland he will hunt them down
Reconnaissance Kara Mustapha (Turkish commander) got to know that Jan Sobieski was coming But continued to attack Vienna
Delivery Kara Mustafa, had at his command approximately 140,000 men.
Trickery Mustafa sent some spies to trick Jan Sobieski. The spies told Sobieski that the Turkish had many men and would kill them all if the Polish would come to battle And the Ottoman would invade Poland when the Polish army would be dead
Complicity Jan Sobieski hear this and thought it would be true. His troops lost all the moral. They just thought of their loved ones
Damage There was nothing else to do They had to go back to Poland The Polish had lost without fighting
Mediation On that night Jan Sobieski had a dream.
Trial He could win this war. He had came so far. If he would not fight, he would surely lose. He had at least to try.
Attainment of magical object Then we was blessed with an idea. He had a vision on his dream He got to know how to trick the Turkish army
Struggle His idea was: He made a small part of his army walk all day long around a small hill. While the other, bigger part, of his army rested. The Turkish spies where counting the Polish troops They saw hundreds of troops because they where always going around the hill.
Struggle OBS: this was the first Virtual Reality experience fully reported, Perfect immersion Low interactivity Good display devices, scaling factor... When the Turkish commander got to know the number of Polish troops he ordered his army to retreat because they had too few soldiers. Jan made his troops attack Mustafa when they where retreating.
Liquidation Turkish men where killed Jan had won the war
Return Vienna was free King Jan Sobieski was a hero He saved Vienna and Europe
Wedding The Emperor of Austria gave him some land and his daughter to marry And lived happy ever after
Virtual Reality in the sec. XVII THE END By Sérgio Leal
References Propp Functions Creating Dynamic Visualizations and Animations, ICM, TU-GRAZ, Prof. Andrej Ferko. Historical background The beauty of Computer Graphics, ICM, TU-GRAZ, Prof. Andrej Ferko. Free online Encyclopaedia The Battle of Vienna: September 12, 1683, by Richard Lysiak -