Come to Turkey Cathryn Payne Linley Murdock
Hotels Options June 28 – July 16 Radisson Blu Hotel in Ankara, Turkey. Cost – per person $3,195 Total - $6,390 Doubletree in Ankara, Turkey. Cost – per person $3,257 Total - $6,515
Cheapest Flights Going- Tuesday, June 28, 2011 / 2 stops Flight- 326 American Depart- 5:20pm Airlines Arrive- 12:05am Coming home - Saturday, July 16, 2011 /2 stop Flight 2117 Depart- 8:00 am Turkish airlines Arrive - 10:45pm Cost per person – $ 2,902
Best flight Match Going – Tuesday, June 28, 2011 /2 stops Flight United Depart- 7:20am flight Arrive- 3:15pm Coming home- Saturday, July 16, 2011/ 2 stops Flight – 7340 Depart – 11:15am Flight – 8834 Arrive – 11:20pm Turkish Airlines Per person - $ 5,232
Holidays Religious holidays – Kuran Bayrami – 4 day festival when sheep are slaughtered. Spring – Tulip festival held in Istanbul, Turkey towards the end of April. Beginning of May - the Ephesus festival of culture and art. Ramadan-Muslim holy month in August
Land Bridge Connecting Europe and Asia. Human traffic has left monuments and debris. Turkish history is such a hugely rich patchwork of overlapping eras and empires.
Climate Because of Turkeys geographical conditions, one cannot speak of the overall climate. March temperatures Celsius – Mon. 4 Tues. 5 Wednes.6 Thurs.7 Fri (1.Ankara) (2. Istanbul )
Food Turkey has a lot of ethnic foods. Turkey is especially known for its kebabs and Turkish Delight. Some examples - Turkish delight Kebabs
Coffee Turkey also has a unique way to cook coffee. Coffee grounds float freely in the hot water. Turkish coffee was used as a fortune telling drink. People would “read” the pattern of the grounds in the bottom of the cup to predict the future. Coffee Coffee cooker
Tea The Turkish tea is cooked in a double tea kettle, with the water in the bigger kettle on bottom and the tea leaves in the smaller kettle on top. Cup of Tea Tea kettle
Turkish Baths Turkish baths are different from American baths. Turkish baths are large marble rooms with tables in the center. A person lays on the table while water is poured over them instead of soaking in a tub.
Traditional Dress