ELEVATORS Environmental Technology IV - Professor Tango & Parker - Spring 2009
Elisha Otis
Otis Schindler Thyssen-Krupp Kone Otis Schindler Thyssen-Krupp Kone (formally Montgomery Elevator)
1. Hydraulic 2. Traction TWO TYPES OF ELEVATORS
Hydraulic Elevator (holed) Guide Rails Plunger & Cylinder Controller & Pumping Unit To & From Oil Pipe Hoistway Door Door Operator
Rise Limitations: ~ 60 feet Cost: $35 - $85K Speeds: 100/125/150 fpm Advantages: – low cost – no penthouse – no structural load on building Disadvantages – slow –energy inefficient Hydraulic Elevators - holed
Hydraulic Elevator ( holeless) Controller & Pumping Unit To & From Oil Pipe Plungers & Cylinders Guide Rails Hoistway Door Door Operator
Hydraulic Elevators - Holeless Rise Limitations: 20 feet Cost: $35 - $45K Speeds: 100/125 fpm Advantages: –no well hole –minimizes environmental contamination Disadvantages: –limited travel
Holeless: Roped Hydraulic
Holeless: Roped Hydraulic Elevators Rise Limitations: 60 feet Cost: $45k - $75k Speeds: fpm Advantages: –Eliminates well hole –Same 60’ travel range as “holed” hydro –Existing Building Disadvantages –More costly than conventional holed hydraulic
Traction Elevator Machine Governor Controller Guide Rails Counterweight Buffers Car Frame & Safety Hoistway Door Door Operator
Traction Elevators Rise Limitations: ~ 300 feet (Geared) unlimited (Gearless) Cost: $150,000 - $200,000 (Geared) $200,000 + (Gearless) Speeds: fpm (Geared) (Gearless) Advantages of Gearless: –smoother –approx. twice machine life
Otis Gen 2 Otis Gen 2 click to play movie (Traction) Rise Limitation: 300 feet
Elevator Selection 1.Building Height –elevator type 2.Customer Expectations Service Time »speed capacity quantity 3.Space Limitations 4. Optional approaches –sky lobbies –double deck
Sky Lobby at Level 41&42 29 Double deck elevators 88 stories tall
Otis Elevators in the Worlds tallest building
Booth Museum of Western Art Cartersville, GA
Futuristic Developments ODYSSEY
next Thursday Guest Speaker Bob Beyer Elevator Consultant Elevator Advisors Inc.
Bob Beyer Lecture Key Points In the next 5 years 75% of all the elevators will be MRL ( Machine room less MRLs will replace Hydraulic and Geared Traction type elevators MRL have lower energy costs – up to 60% less than geared. (Only 2-3% of the total buildings electrical load is for the elevators) Machine rooms must be air-conditioned In office buildings above 5 floor you should have a dedicated service elevator (4500lbs. minimum size for service elevator) 1 service elevator for every 2 passenger elevators in a hotel over 15 stories. In the next 5 years al the signs saying “Do Not Use The Elevator In Case Of Fire” will be gone. Elevators are the safest way out of a building until the fire actually reaches the shafts ( which are two hour rated in high rise)