CCB Neither a borrower nor a lender be!
1.Have you ever borrowed money? What did you need it for? 2.What do you think is more risky – to borrow or to lend money? Why? 3.When would you lend money to someone? 4.Did you ever lend money to someone who didn’t pay you back? How did you react? Exercise 1
1.The CCB company basically offers a database of credit history of people and companies. 2.Anybody can be a user of the credit history database. 3.The main reason why financial institutions use the CCB database is to assess the potential credit risk. 4.The CCB company also runs which is accessible to the public. 5.The speaker thinks that Czech citizens are in a relatively good financial situation. 6.You cannot find at data about shareholders of certain companies. 7.The CCB company gets data from secret sources. Exercise 2 ARE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS TRUE OR FALSE?
Listen and fill in the gaps Exercise 3
Match the following English expressions with their Czech equivalent Exercise 4
ROLEPLAY Work in small groups. Imagine you are a team of script writers who have 5 minutes to create a comedy sketch called A CRAZY LOAN APPLICANT. It should be a dialogue between a serious bank manager and an insane entrepreneur. What questions would the bank manager ask? Select a pair of people from each group to perform the dialogue in front of your classmates. Than take a vote to choose the funniest dialogue! Exercise 5
1.The speaker in the video said: ” So they were supposed to pay on a certain date and they didn’t pay for more than 90 days.” Does the underlined phrase mean that A) There was a possibility to pay. B) There was an obligation to pay. C) There was no need to pay. 2.Translate the following sentences. A) Měli jste mě o tom informovat dříve. B) Neměl jsi nic rozhodovat sám. C) Měla přijet už včera. D) Neměl jsi to kupovat bez mého svolení. 3.Is it possible to translate sentences in exercise 3 using SHOULD+HAVE+PAST PARTICIPLE? If so, try it. 4.Think of four things you were supposed to do and write sentences about them. Then, try to rewrite them using SHOULD+HAVE+PAST PARTICIPLE. Exercise 6 TEST