CONFLICT RESOLUTION A study of the ways we use our hands: Seventh graders teach first graders.
HANDS AND WHAT THEY DO Seventh Grade Students Presented a lesson to first graders based on the Song: Hands To be helpful –Clap –Hold food –Pat on back –Give a hand To be hurtful –Hit –Pinch –Slug
Seventh Grade Students Serve as Teachers for First Grade Students
Students List Activities of Helpful Hands Useful hands are –Clean –Have a thumb and four fingers –Ready to be helpful –Never looking for trouble –Ready to lend a helping hand!
STUDENTS TRACE THEIR HAND Prints on construction paper and wrote a helpful use of hands on their handprint
HANDS CAN SHOW SIGNS OF TRUST Trust is demonstrated by –Touching, –Waving, –Pointing, –Clapping, –Motioning, and –Greeting.
Helpful Handprints Were Used to Cover and Ceremoniously Eliminate the Hurtful List
“HANDS” was sung by the teachers and students after the paper hands were placed on B-Board over the hurtful list. Hands are for loving, Hands are for hugging, Hands are not for Pushing and shoving! Wave your hand, Say hello or good-bye Don’t use your hands To make someone cry. You’ve got a left hand And you’ve got a right Don’t use you hands To get in a fight (repeat three times) *from Set 660 – Songs for Peacemakers: Conflict Resolution. Educational Activities, Inc., Freeport, NY 11520