Reaching 372 new North Ridgeville families in the next year Shepherd of the Ridge Evangelism Board
Statistically:.25%-.5% Direct Mail Immediate (Next Sunday) Response (New movers 4x more likely) 4-8 families/year Need to make it worth their while
Personal visit delivering welcome packet Letter from Pastor Church Pamphlet Welcome DVD Service SOS Puppets Preschool Chapel Puppet Skit “Screencast” for Website (Refrigerator magnet?) ($1 each) Coupons from local businesses
$80 Setup Fee $.79/postcard x 372 families/year =$294/year 10 DVD movies = $100 400 Blank DVD’s for intro DVD = $92* *(Large response = need more DVD movie $) Total cost: $566 After 1 st year: ~$42/month (if 1 movie/month) Volunteers Needed to deliver packets Will begin when we have enough donations