Jeff T. Collins Undulator Support/Mover System 14 March 2008 LCLSLCLSLCLSLCLS LCLS Undulator Support/Mover System: Relay Rack Heat Dissipation & the Effects on the Overall System Jeff T. Collins
Undulator Support/Mover System 14 March 2008 LCLSLCLSLCLSLCLS Support/Mover System Testing The Experiment: A Combination of Infrared Imaging and RTD Measurements were Used to Determine the Actual Undulator System Heating Effects from the Relay Rack Under Worst-Case Conditions where No Forced Air Flow is Present Along the Undulator. The LTT Set-Up at the APS was Used for the Experiments. A 400 Watt Heater Attached to Aluminum Channel Was Placed Inside of a Relay Rack and the Relay Rack was Placed in Position Under the Support/Mover System Girder. The 400 Watt Heater Was Turned On and Infrared Images Were Acquired every 1000 Seconds for a Total of 72 Hours (1200 Images). A Total of 12 RTD’s were Used to Monitor Various Points On and Around the Undulator System During the Heating and Cool Down Periods.
Jeff T. Collins Undulator Support/Mover System 14 March 2008 LCLSLCLSLCLSLCLS Support/Mover System Testing The Relay Rack: Two 200 Watt Heaters Used for this Test, Attached to the Aluminum Channel and Placed Inside of the Relay Rack
Jeff T. Collins Undulator Support/Mover System 14 March 2008 LCLSLCLSLCLSLCLS Support/Mover System Testing Rack Heating 400 Watts.avi The Thermal Imaging Results: Images Were Acquired Every 100 Seconds Over a 72 Hour Period 1200 Images Were Acquired The Data Was Converted into a Movie Time versus Temperature was Evaluated at Several Points on the System PRESS BUTTON TO PLAY MOVIE
Jeff T. Collins Undulator Support/Mover System 14 March 2008 LCLSLCLSLCLSLCLS Support/Mover System Testing The Final Image After 72 Hours of Relay Rack 400W Heat Dissipation: Steady-State on the Relay Rack Surface is Reached in Approximately 4 Hours Variations Beyond Steady-State Track with Air Temperature Fluctuations ≈ 7°C Temperature Rise in the Center of the Relay Rack ≈ 2.6°C Temperature Rise on the Gusset Center ≈ 1.4°C Temperature Rise on the Girder Top Above the Relay Rack Unmeasurable Temperature Variation on the Undulator Top 0.39°C per Division
Jeff T. Collins Undulator Support/Mover System 14 March 2008 LCLSLCLSLCLSLCLS Support/Mover System Testing Temperature Measurements Taken at Various Points Using RTD’s 400W Relay Rack Heat Dissipation, Approximately Four Days of Heating Plus One Day Cool Down Period
Jeff T. Collins Undulator Support/Mover System 14 March 2008 LCLSLCLSLCLSLCLS Support/Mover System Testing Conclusions: With 400 Watt Power Dissipation from the Relay Rack there is Less Than 0.1°C Temperature Variation on the Undulator Jaws. These Tests were Conducted Under Worst-Case Conditions with No 0.43 m/sec Tunnel Air Flow Along the Undulator. In Actual Operation with Tunnel Air Flow Present the Effects of Relay Rack Heat Dissipation Would be Even Less. The K-Value of the Magnets in the Undulator Will be Unchanged as a Result of the Heat Dissipation from the Relay Rack Relative to Fluctuations in Tunnel Air Temperature.